Did You See Lawmakers Getting Called Out On Impeachment?
Fake Conservatives in the legislature don’t want the Walz impeachment to succeed. The last thing these posers like Kurt Daudt want to do is upset their friends across the aisle. What they don’t realize is that impeachment is popular, and gaining traction quickly.
Just take a look at what Minnesotans are saying:
These are just a few examples of letters that North Star Liberty Alliance (NSLA) members have been publishing in newspapers across the state… and the RINOs are MAD. They REFUSE to lift a finger to co-sponsor Articles of Impeachment against Governor Walz, these conservative fakers need a little political encouragement.
Thankfully, the North Star Liberty Alliance planned for this.
Establishment hacks have been attempting to dissuade us from day one. They didn’t believe that we could get anywhere near our target petition goal, or find a legislator to champion Articles of Impeachment. Soon, NSLA will be launching a mail and digital campaign targeting the conservative fakers who pay lip service to standing against Walz, but refuse to do so when it matters most. Talk is cheap. When it comes to impeachment, you and I must demand action!
You see, the team at NSLA is ready to put in the blood, sweat, and tears to reign in conservative fakers and get impeachment across the finish line.
Right now, NSLA needs your support in this fight. We are not afraid to spend as much as possible to target negligent legislators who refuse to listen to their constituents, but we need the resources to do so! Chip in $250, $100, $50 or whatever you can pay for ads, phone calls, and mailers to expose these politicians
When we get these ads online, these phone calls placed, and these mailers sent, politicians will receive the biggest backlash from constituents of their entire careers. They’ll sign on to Mortensen’s Articles of Impeachment right away.
The staff at NSLA truly hopes that you have signed your petition to impeach Walz. We’ve dropped off thousands more of signed petitions recently and you could see the sweat under the politician’s collars.
As you saw in the images above, members' letters to their newspapers across the state are making a big splash. If we are to keep up this pressure campaign, having more patriots write letters to their newspapers is critical.
Will you answer the call and fight for impeachment?