How You Know If You Legislator Is Lying About Supporting Impeachment
I’ve talked to countless numbers of people from around the state about the Articles of Impeachment against Governor Walz. One persistent question I always hear is “will my legislator support it?”.
I can tell you right now that if your State Representative has not signed on to co-author HR-2, they DO NOT support Impeachment. In fact, House Minority Leader Kurt Daudt and other RINOs have told their friends NOT to sign on.
As of writing, these are the only legislators who have put their name to paper, saying that they’ll fight to make Impeachment happen:
Check in on the resolution here.
That’s right, only Representatives Mortensen, Drazkowski, and Munson have agreed to hold Walz accountable and fight to get this Impeachment resolution across the finish line. This means that there are a lot of phony conservatives in the legislature who talk the talk but REFUSE to walk the walk.
Too many representatives only pay lip service to Impeachment in order to keep favor with their conservative constituents. Rep. Eric Lucero, for example, talks a big game when it comes to putting pressure on Governor Walz, but completely falls short when it comes to taking meaningful action.
Lucero straight up told the North Star Liberty Alliance that he would NOT co-author Impeachment. What is he afraid of?
If Lucero and his friends refuse to sign on now, they will be seeing a summer full of pressure ads in their districts. The North Star Liberty Alliance is ready to continue the pressure campaigns for as long as it takes to make these negligent legislators see the light.
In addition to Lucero, NSLA just began running pressure ads on Representatives Shane Mekeland and Keith Franke:
If you do not live in Mortensen’s, Drazkowski’s, or Munson’s districts, then you need to contact your legislator right now, and tell them to co-author HR-2: Articles of Impeachment against Governor Walz.
When they get back to you, don’t let them give you the typical range of excuses. If they tell you anything other than a firm yes on co-sponsoring the resolution, do not give in. Impeachment is about sending a strong message to Walz and anyone who may replace him. The separation of powers must be respected in a free state, and any executive that disagrees must be removed from office.
So contact your State Representative, and do not let them off the hook. If freedom-lovers don’t speak up now, politicians will believe that Walz’ actions are acceptable. Do not let power-hungry politicians succeed.