
DFL Unanimously Endorses Criminals Walz & Ellison

The Minnesota DFL drew a light crowd to their state convention last Saturday – complete with a proof of vaccination requirement for attendance. The far-left political party met for the sole purpose of endorsing candidates for re-election, and amending their party platform.


Despite throwing business owners in jail, closing churches and schools, and creating laws out of thin air, the DFL voted to unanimously endorse incumbents Keith Ellison for Attorney General, and Tim Walz for Governor (though there were a handful of delegates who shouted down the endorsement).


While the robbed gangsters known as Judges have vouched for Walz, they are finally being forced to rule that many of his edicts were perhaps illegal and maybe even unconstitutional.


The fact that the DFL is unphased by this overreach from their elected officials speaks volumes about the rise of authoritarianism in the United States. Too many voters welcome lockdowns and mandates that threaten the livelihoods of untold millions. 


North Star Liberty Alliance knows that there are millions of Minnesotans who are rightfully outraged by Walz’ illegal edicts in office, which is why the effort to Impeach him has gained steam.


Sign the Official Impeach Walz Petition NOW!

Walz Impeachment Commandeering Charge Upheld at MN Supreme Court

Even though Tyrant Tim Walz is trying to make everyone forget about his job-crushing executive orders in 2020 and 2021, businessowners won’t forget. On Wednesday, the Minnesota Supreme Court put another nail into the coffin for Walz’ political career.


In a case of a Business Owner, Carvin Buzzel, versus the State of Minnesota, the plaintiff asserts that Walz’ COVID-19 response constituted the government “commandeering” his property. While the Court of Appeals had initially sided with Walz, the Supreme Court of Minnesota sent the case back to its initial jurisdiction. Buzzel will now be required to prove that he did not have control of his property.


Countless businessowners from across the state will argue that their property was commandeered by Walz. With the stroke of a pen, he ordered businesses, churches, and schools to close without input from the Minnesota Legislature.


This case is only further grounds for impeachment against Walz, as shown in HR 2 in the Minnesota House.


Article IV alleges that Walz violated Minnesota Statutes, section 12.34, subdivision 2: “the owner of commandeered property must be promptly paid just compensation for its use and all damages done to the property while so used for emergency management purposes.”


Walz’ executive orders were reckless at best. If you agree, then sign the Official Impeachment Petition below:



DFL and GOP Makes Deal to Spend Surplus

Leaders from the Minnesota House and Senate appear to have made a deal to spend the budget surplus with Governor Walz’ approval. In an announcement made from the St. Paul Capitol lawn on Monday morning, Walz appeared with Senate Majority Leader Miller and House Majority Leader Winkler to reveal the $4 Billion in “targeted investments” about to be made.


Among this new spending will be $1 Billion for already well-funded public schools, $1 Billion for health and human services, and $450 million for public safety. The remaining increase will go towards several government programs across the board.


Overall, this proposal is expected to increase the state government by eighteen percent.


While this proposal introduces minor tax cuts, these will not take effect until next year. This nearly $12 billion surplus and budget reserve money has already been overtaxed from the people and ought to be returned to them. 


If you want your tax dollars back in your pocket, call your state legislators and demand that they give back the surplus!


Contact Your Legislators Here


Where Are The Pro-Liberty Candidates?

Every four years, The Republicans and Democrats in Minnesota get together at their state conventions to pick candidates for Governor, Secretary of State, Attorney General, State Auditor and (sometimes) candidates for US Senate.


In 2022, Democrats already have their candidate for Governor – or rather, their pick to be Dictator over the state of Minnesota. Governor Tim Walz abused his office when he unilaterally took power from the legislature to create his own laws that hurt citizens in 2020 and 2021.


The people of Minnesota demanded that Walz be removed from his office, whether that meant recalling him or impeaching him. North Star Liberty Alliance has lead the charge on the effort to impeach Walz for his abuses of power. You can sign the impeachment petition here.


Now, Republicans aim to throw their support by a candidate to face off against Walz in the November election. The only problem is, few of the candidates are ready to stand for the principles of Liberty – many actually wouldn’t be much of an improvement over Walz.


Frontrunner for the nomination, Scott Jensen, has tried to establish himself as an outsider, despite his four year term in the MN Senate. During his time in the Senate, he co-sponsored two gun control bills, voted for unreadable omnibus bills, and refused to force a vote on emergency powers.


Former Senate Majority Leader Paul Gazelka is no better. Despite holding a Republican majority, his caucus fully funded Walz’ tyrannical administration while defending the disastrous Jan Malcolm


Former Congressional Candidate Kendall Qualls looks to be a good candidate at first glance, but has a terrible stance on emergency powers, while taking money from special interests


Other candidates in the running for the Republican Endorsement are Dr. Neil Shah, Lexington Mayor Mike Murphy, and former Hennepin County Sheriff Rich Stanek. Senator Michelle Benson was forced out of the race by Liberty-Lovers due to her poor voting record in the Minnesota Senate.


Liberty-Lovers will be making their voices heard, whether it be from afar or as a delegate to these conventions. They will demand that emergency powers be eradicated, the surplus returned, and omnibus bills be vetoed before they throw their support behind any candidate.


If Republicans do not get a candidate that is serious on freedom issues, they may not show up to the polls in November. 


Republicans will hold their state convention on Saturday in Rochester. It is expected that they will go to multiple rounds of balloting before selecting a candidate for governor.

Why Anti-Liberty Candidate Sen. Benson Was Forced Out Of Gov Race

When Senator Michelle Benson got into the Governor’s race in September, she made claims that she cut taxes and lowered insurance premiums. She attempted to position herself as the conservative in the race. When activists got a hold of her voting record, they discovered that she was less than truthful about what she stood for. 


She ran into problems when delegates confronted her on her votes for gigantic omnibus bills that funded abortion, like the Health and Human Services Omnibus Bill in 2021 (HF 33). Delegates also expressed concern for her support for reinsurance, which subsidizes healthcare companies with tax dollars. 


Her most egregious sin is defending Governor Walz’ Health Commissioner, Jan Malcolm, who advised Walz on shutting down Minnesota’s economy in 2020. The Minnesota Senate has the ability to fire the Governor’s health commissioners. While Republicans had a slim majority in the Senate, Michelle Benson refused to lend a vote towards firing Malcolm.


Despite the hype behind her candidacy from the Fake News Media, Benson’s campaign never really took off. It’s not hard to see why. Her campaign took last place in the February 1st GOP Straw Poll. 


Benson left the GOP Race for Governor last week, noting that she still believes she would have been the best candidate to beat Walz. If she had not voted for Big Government programs and defended the disastrous Jan Malcolm, maybe that could have been true. 

Forced Masking Will Never End In Twin Cities

Everyone had thought that the worst of government overreach and COVID hysteria was behind us. Unfortunately, they were wrong.


Jacob Frey and other Minneapolis Liberals began to strongly advise mask wearing last Thursday, regardless of vaccination status. This proclamation comes with citations of increased cases of COVID-19.


Alpha News notes that the city believes it is using “science to guide its public health strategies,” which have “saved lives.”


This push for masks for Minneapolis comes despite a low transmission rating from the CDC.


Make no mistake, these mandates are about power, not safety. Because a handful of individuals still cling tight to their masks, the City of Minneapolis expects others to put their masks back on as well. 


Minnesotans have clearly had enough of the mandates coming down from leftists like Mayor Frey and Governor Walz. 


Does this action mean that another citywide mandate is coming? Who knows. The City of Philadelphia abruptly introduced and lifted a mask mandate in April, so anything can happen!

Republican Admits to Doing Whatever Leadership Says

If you have paid attention to the political world for long, you’ll know that debates and votes at the St. Paul Capitol are merely political theater, rather than real thoughts and actions made by individual legislators.


Fortunately, Representative Jon Koznik accidentally confirmed this on the House Floor. In a video released by Representative Erik Mortensen on Thursday afternoon, Koznik says that:


“We’re very much told to follow our leadership, stay with your team…”


If you don’t believe Koznik, just look at the Articles of Impeachment that were introduced in January of 2021. As of writing, only Representatives Mortensen, Drazkowski, and Munson have authored the legislation. None of which belong to the traditional House Republican Caucus. 


While many more legislators like Representative Glenn Gruenhagen have shown support for the legislation, but then refused to sign on. This is because he must fall in line with whatever Minority Leader Kurt Daudt says.


Even those who pretend to be conservative champions like Representative Lucero and Representative Mekeland have refused to co-author this legislation. This is after North Star Liberty Alliance put out pressure campaigns begging these legislators to sign on. 


Check out one of our ads here


These legislators choose to stand with party leadership over the people who have been used and abused by Governor Walz and his executive orders. Representative Koznik was right!


North Star Liberty Alliance is the author of the Official Impeachment Petition against Walz. Every signature is delivered to your legislator in St. Paul. Your signature is needed!



Benson Attacks Sick Tax, But Voted For It

Politicians will do and say anything to win. Many of them promise that they will stop tax increases, and even eliminate some taxes like the Social Security Tax or Sick Tax. As a candidate for Governor, Michelle Benson has recently promised to eliminate both – despite actually voting for the Sick Tax in 2019!


Minnesota’s 1.8% Sick Tax (aka, the Provider Tax) on health care providers has been attacked by conservatives for years. This tax is no big deal for providers, as they usually will pass the cost of the tax onto the consumer – which makes your healthcare more expensive!


In a campaign email sent out on April 20th, Senator Michelle Benson claims that: 


“I will NEVER support a tax increase as your Governor. Minnesota families pay enough already. When I am your Governor, seniors will not have to pay the outrageous double tax on Social Security and every Minnesotan will be spared from the atrocious Sick Tax.



This is in stark contrast to Benson’s voting record, which shows that she voted for HF 5 on May 24th of 2019. This special session tax bill includes a provision that renews Minnesota’s Sick Tax, which was previously set to expire.



Why would Benson vote for the Sick Tax if she pretends to oppose it? Is she lying, or did she simply not read the bill? Either explanation has liberty lovers saying this completely and totally disqualifies her from representing the people of Minnesota as Governor. 


Ask Michelle Benson why she would vote to keep the Sick Tax, when she campaigns on lowering and eliminating taxes:


Michelle Benson (SD 31)


[email protected]

RINO Rep. Barb Haley Loses Endorsement After Pushing Fake End Powers Bills

Republican State Representative Barb Haley seemed to be a rising star within the establishment ranks within St. Paul. After winning her election to the Minnesota House in 2016, she cozied up to Minority Leader Kurt Daudt and his lackeys, winning her the position of Minority Whip in 2020.


When Senate District 20’s seat opened up this year, she decided to throw her hat in the ring. Come the endorsing convention on April 2nd, she lost the Republican endorsement on the first ballot in a stunning loss – winning only 30% of the vote.


It’s not hard to see why Haley lost favor with her constituents. When Walz took up his tyrannical emergency powers in 2020, Haley was forced by grassroots activists to take action against his edicts. She offered up a bill that she said ended his “emergency”, but was really a big show to get conservatives off her back.




Haley even admitted that her bill did not eliminate Walz’ emergency powers, but simply tinkers with them – allowing him to declare another illegal and unconstitutional emergency.


Groups like North Star Liberty Alliance have repeatedly called out Haley for her lackluster performance in the legislature for years now. 


Clearly, Liberty-Lovers in SD 20 have had enough of RINOs like her. Haley's loss is not only a victory for those who demand the best out of their elected officials, but also a devastating blow to the establishment that ignores the will of the people. 

MN House Democrats Pass Reckless $7 Billion Spending Of Surplus

On Tuesday, The Minnesota House DFL approved a $7.36 billion supplemental budget resolution through the House Ways and Means committee. This spending bill would eat into the overtaxed $9.25 billion budget surplus.


Despite passing a budget for 2022-2023 last year, legislators appear to have an itch that only rampant spending can satisfy. These legislators try to justify their spending spree as an "investment."


This budget resolution includes $1.16 billion for failing public schools, $1 billion for frontline worker handouts, and $700 million for health and human services. This proposal passed out of committee along party lines as you could have guessed.


Minnesotans deserve to have this money back in their pockets. With skyrocketing inflation rates, grocery store food shortages, and ever-increasing gas prices, Minnesotans need the cash way more than the Government does.


There is only one proposal that suggests giving the entirety of the surplus back, and it comes from Representative Erik Mortensen. His bill, HF4642, proposes an income tax holiday for either 2021 or 2022. 


If Minnesotans opt to use their tax holiday for their 2021 taxes, they will receive a tax rebate for taxes already paid to the state. This is more useful than any kind of "investment" that the DFL offers. As of yet, it has no Senate companion bill. 


This supplemental budget resolution is expected to get a vote on the floor on Thursday. Contact your legislators and let them know that you expect them to vote no!


Contact Your Legislators Here