
Walz Told Voters ‘Vaccine Passports Aren’t Real’ Months Before Implementation In Minneapolis & St. Paul

Governor Tim Walz has been caught red-handed in another lie to his constituents. The cities of Minneapolis and St. Paul have just announced the implementation of covid-19 vaccine passports in order to eat at bars and restaurants, or attend performance venues. These edicts in the Twin Cities come only months after Governor Walz condescendingly brushed off the idea.


During negotiations surrounding the prospects of a special session in October of 2021, Governor Walz unleashed his frustrations on legislators and activists who demanded a ban on vaccine passports. Speaking in front of North Memorial Hospital, he proclaimed that:


“[Republicans] wanted an absolute ban on vaccine passports, which we don’t have a damn vaccine passport so quit pretending on the politics. My patience level is gone.”


“None of those things are real.”


Now, most businesses in Minneapolis and St. Paul will be required to ask for vaccination status by January 19th… only a few months after Tim Walz denied the existence of vaccine passports. Either he is completely unaware of Minnesota’s political environment, or he outright lied to the people – both of which would reflect poorly on the Governor. 


Sign the official Impeach Walz Petition here:



Walz Bribing Families To Vaccinate 5-11 Year Olds

Image obtained from Kare11

On Tuesday, Governor Tim Walz announced an extension of his “kids deserve a shot” vaccine bribes program. Now, his program will dole out $200 in taxpayer funds to families who vaccinate their 5-11-year-old children for covid-19. When inoculated, these children will also be enrolled in Walz’ scholarship lottery program, which randomly hands out $100,000 checks to a handful of vaccinated students.


This program has been criticized by many as being both immoral and unfair, as those who choose to exercise their medical freedom are forced to give their tax dollars to those who decided to get vaccinated. Despite the criticisms, Walz has continued to funnel these handouts with the help of his Health Commissioner, Jan Malcolm.


It seems as though Walz’ administration will continue their redistribution of wealth until every single Minnesotan has been forced to take the covid-19 vaccine. Never mind personal, religious, or health reasons for opting out… Tyrant Tim Walz does not care.


It is only a matter of time before Walz, and his lackeys stop using carrots and start using sticks. With talks of vaccine passports being implemented in Minneapolis and St. Paul, Walz seems ready to alienate the unvaccinated from the rest of society.


Unless Minnesotans stand up to this tyranny, it will only get worse. Will you sign on to the official “Impeach Walz” petition?



Mask Mandate Resumes In Minneapolis And St. Paul , Despite Admissions Of Inefficacy

Mayors Melvin Carter and Jacob Frey have just announced that they will be re-implementing their mask mandates for both public offices and private businesses beginning on Wednesday and Thursday, respectively. 


This overreach comes after weeks of fear-mongering surrounding the omicron variant of the coronavirus, despite admissions from even CNN health "experts" that cloth masks are no match for this variant. 


That's right, CNN's medical analyst, Dr. Leana Wen, says that cloth and medical masks are ineffective against omicron. She instead recommends KN95 or N95 masks for protection against the virus. Of course, it's not just CNN admitting that masks don't work. Dr. Fauci admitted that a long time ago!


In his now-released private emails, Dr. Fauci told a colleague that he would not recommend a mask to prevent the spread of COVID-19. Here's what he said:


"The typical mask you buy in the drug store is not really effective in keeping out virus, which is small enough to pass through material. It might, however, provide some slight benefit in keep out gross droplets if someone coughs or sneezes on you."


Despite this, people will be encouraged to wear their homemade and cloth masks to meet the demands of the cities. If you dare walk into a business in Minneapolis or St. Paul without a piece of cloth on your face, you very well could be fined or jailed.


If you and I do not hold Governor Walz accountable, he very well could launch us into another statewide mask mandate or even another job-crushing lockdown. Minnesotans have had enough from this tyrant, which is why North Star Liberty Alliance is backing the effort to Impeach him.



“Thanks, Walz” – Minnesotans Are Fleeing In Record Numbers

Minnesotans fled the state in record numbers last year – and it’s not hard to see why. According to the Center of the American Experiment and the most recent census numbers, Minnesota only gained a net number of 225 residents, while 13,453 residents left for other states. Governor Tim Walz and his tyrannical edicts with a failure in leadership are likely to blame for this mass exodus.


Governor Walz exerted his tyranny by single-handedly forcing churches, schools, and businesses to close. Walz locked up business owners for simply trying to make a living, all the while threatening to fire state employees for exercising their right to not receive an experimental vaccine. This on top of his multiple attempts to raise taxes and increase burdensome regulations on Minnesotans is a recipe for disaster. 


These Minnesotans are likely seeking refuge in freer states such as South Dakota, or Florida… both of which were quick to seize upon the opportunity to welcome residents who are running from states like Minnesota, Illinois, New York, and California. 


If Walz is allowed to continue with his tenure as Governor, he will only further push our state into economic and social ruin. This is why Representative Mortensen has introduced Articles of Impeachment against Walz. Do you support removing Walz for his abuses of power?



Paul Gazelka Supports Forced Union Membership

On December 15th, all 5 Republican candidates for Governor gathered for the first major debate of the 2022 election season. The candidates discussed issues ranging from election integrity to unions. Senator Paul Gazelka had perhaps the most notable position on unions in the race, as he came out against Right-to-Work laws, or laws that allow workers the choice to join or abstain from a union.


“For the private sector, for blue collar unions, I made a decision not to support right-to-work because we need blue collar union folks with us on the Republican side.”


Senator Gazelka claims to defend the free market, all the while advocating against the choices of Minnesotans and how they spend their paychecks. When union members are forced to pay dues into the unions, they are really putting their money into the left-wing campaign machine… not into “the Republican side” as Gazelka would hope.


That’s right, Democrats brag about the fact that some of the largest unions in the country donate millions of dollars to far left-wing campaigns. According to OpenSecrets, labor groups gave $71 million to Democrats in 2020, while only giving $9 million to Republicans. Clearly they are not friends to the conservative cause.


Yet, Paul Gazelka is kissing up to them by standing against right-to-work laws. Clearly spitting in the face of conservative delegates at the upcoming state convention.


Attendees of the first gubernatorial debate had the opportunity to cast their ballots in a straw poll preference vote. Dr. Neil Shah came out on top with 48.5% of the votes, followed by Senator Benson with 15%, Dr. Jensen with 14.1%, Mayor Mike Murphy with 12.1%, and lastly Senator Gazelka with 10.2%.


You can watch the debate and see why Senator Gazelka ranked dead last here

Scott Jensen Teams Up With Controversial Leftist Legislator

Former State Senator and GOP gubernatorial candidate Scott Jensen has been stirring up controversy in recent months. Not only is he taking the flak for his anti-second amendment legislation and his work for planned parenthood, but now he was caught co-moderating a campaign event with radical-leftist John Thompson.


Alpha News reported that on December 16th, Jensen held a campaign event in Minneapolis, in which he sought to have a “conversation” with DFL Representative John Thompson (or as I like to call him, Trouble Thompson) and other residents of Minneapolis in the aftermath of the George Floyd riots.


Thompson became infamous during the 2020 election cycle when he called for the city of Hugo, MN, to be burned to the ground. More recently, reports of domestic abuse and questions surrounding legal residency have prompted calls for Thompson’s resignation from the legislature.


Now, Trouble Thompson is having conversations with Scott Jensen about campaign strategy. 


There’s nothing wrong with talking to people with opposing views – in fact, that sometimes can be a good thing! The problem is that John Thompson is a troubled individual who has publicly called for harm upon his fellow Minnesotans. This kind of behavior should not be endorsed or amplified by anyone who claims to be a conservative.


Scott Jensen is no stranger to compromising his principles. He most notably did so in 2018 when he betrayed a campaign promise and co-sponsored a universal background check bill in the Minnesota Senate. He only removed his name from the bill when countless gun activists contacted Jensen and demanded he remove it.



The difference now is that Scott Jensen refuses to back down from his betrayal of conservative values. In fact, he attempted to defend his platforming of John Thompson in an interview with Alpha News!


Jensen is seeking the Republican endorsement for Governor of Minnesota. If he intends to please the conservative delegates at the State Convention, he will likely need to walk back his support for Thompson soon. 

Teacher’s Union Begs For Surplus Cash; Asks Minnesotans To “Pay Their Fair Share”

With the state government’s announcement of a $7.7 billion surplus last week comes the usual suspects begging for more money. Chiefly among them is Education Minnesota, the teacher’s union for the state and unofficial arm of the DFL party. 


Very shortly after the announcement, the union released a call to action on Facebook:



On Education Minnesota’s website is a form that readers can use to forward their message to state legislators. In this message to legislators, the teacher’s union also asks legislators to ensure Minnesotans “ their fair share” in taxes.



Remember when I said Education Minnesota is an unofficial arm of the DFL? This all but solidifies it. What does rigging the tax code against Minnesotans have to do with advocating for teachers?


Clearly, there’s more to their agenda here. The left-wing activists and legislators are looking to pour more money into state government to fund their radical agendas.


In fact, some legislators have already openly talked about tax hikes even with this historic surplus. When will it be enough?


Minnesotans could use this money back in their pockets.  

“The Flannel Dictator” Jails Political Dissident

Can you imagine a world where small business owners are jailed for simply opening their business to the public? It sounds like a nightmare out of the many authoritarian dictatorships throughout history.


Believe it or not, this is no dream. Thanks to Walz’ one-man edicts, a small business owner was sentenced to 90 days in jail on Friday.


Lisa Hanson owns The Interchange in Albert Lea. A small cafe that serves coffee and wine to the people of the southern Minnesota city.


In defiance of Governor Walz’ tyrannical orders to keep small bars and restaurants closed to the public, Lisa Hanson opened her business last year and continued to serve the people who wanted to support a local business.


Tyrant Tim Walz and Attorney General Keith Ellison were furious. Since disobeying Walz, Hanson has been arrested and has fought back in court. Unfortunately, Minnesota’s left-wing judiciary backed Walz' edicts and threw Lisa Hanson in jail.


Some call Tim Walz the “Flannel Dictator”, and it’s a deserved name. Despite his attempt to come off as a folksy small town guy, he has destroyed more small businesses than any governor in recent memory. The "rocks and cows" of Minnesota do not claim Tim Walz.


Lisa Hanson deserves to be freed, and Tim Walz deserves to be Impeached.


Right after you sign the Official Walz Impeachment Petition, I am going to ask you to support Lisa Hanson’s legal efforts. As Liberty-Lovers, we need to stand up for our own. 





Minnesotans Demand Their $7.7 Billion In Taxes Back

“Collecting more taxes than is absolutely necessary is legalized robbery.”

- President Calvin Coolidge


On Tuesday, Governor Walz’ administration revealed that the state has overtaxed its citizens by an estimated $7.7 billion – the largest budget surplus in Minnesota history!


Walz and his left-wing pals have already indicated they want to increase taxes despite this legalized robbery. Luckily, watchdogs like North Star Liberty Alliance operate to inform voters of what’s going on in St. Paul.


North Star Liberty Alliance has been on the front lines against tax increases for years now. When Tim Walz pushed for a higher gas tax in 2019, NSLA immediately launched pressure campaigns to inform voters of how this punishes Greater Minnesota, while rewarding left-wing politicians in Minneapolis and St Paul.


Here are just a few examples of pressure the ads calling out tax-raising politicians:



After immense pressure from grassroots activists and NSLA members alike, the gas tax proposal was defeated in 2019. Unfortunately, tax-raising lunatics didn’t take the hint.


When legislators brag to their constituents about introducing new taxes, North Star Liberty Alliance takes action. When Representative Brad Tabke (DFL-55A) exposed himself as a tax-raising radical in 2019, North Star Liberty Alliance immediately informed his constituents. 


NSLA’s House District 55A commercial received over 15,000 views on Facebook, and forced then-Representative Brad Tabke to attempt (and fail) to defend his record!




Members also took action by writing letters to the editor expressing their disdain for Tabke’s love of taxation. 


When voters learned of Tabke’s record, they ultimately rejected him in 2020 and sent Liberty-Champion Erik Mortensen to the Minnesota Legislature in his place!


If there is anything Governor Tim Walz should take away from NSLA’s activism, it’s that the tax and spend status quo in Minnesota is deeply unpopular. 


Politicians who continue to advocate for tax and spending increases with this budget surplus are stealing from the people. Their constituents will learn of their efforts soon enough. 


North Star Liberty Alliance will throw everything possible at this fight in 2022, but we cannot do it without your help.


Will you pitch a few bucks towards an initiative to get your tax dollars back?



Gazelka: Stopping Government Spending To End Walz Illegal Powers Is Shortsighted

Yes, he’s saying this as a supposed “conservative” candidate for governor.


In an interview with Alpha News, former Senate Majority Leader Paul Gazelka states how it was shortsighted to push for a government shutdown over issues such as emergency powers repeal. The truth is, it’s short-sighted to not fight tooth and nail to repeal his powers once and for all. 


In 2020, Tyrant Tim illegally and unconstitutionally took over the state government and crowned himself king. He locked people in their homes under threats of arrest and imprisonment, closed businesses so people couldn't feed their families, and even closed churches – violating some of the most sacred rights as humans to worship.


By allowing the 2021 session to close with no change to chapter 12 of MN State Statutes, Walz can do this all over again.


The Republican held Senate was supposed to be a thorn in Walz’ side. They were supposed to hold up the state government until they got everything that they promised their constituents during the 2020 election. Instead, voters got another spending increase.


Gazelka was the most powerful Republican in the state legislature and is now courting conservative delegates in an attempt to win the GOP endorsement for governor. Yet he cannot even commit to giving conservatives a seat at the bargaining table?


Even after all the wreckage from Walz' lockdowns, Gazelka is still saying it's better to have Walz with emergency powers than to shut down the Minnesota State Government.


It’s only a matter of time before Tyrant Tim Walz uses his powers to shut down our state again. Of course, spineless Republicans oppose any and all efforts to hold Tyrant Tim Walz accountable.


What about you? Do you support Impeaching Governor Walz? If so, we need your help to make it a reality.


Please share this article with your friends and family and make sure the they sign the petition to Impeach Tim Walz below: