Walz Powers Repeal Gets Senate Bipartisan Vote
How did your Senator vote?
House Republicans have been offering the same excuse for why they cannot repeal Walz’ emergency powers. They blame a small handful of moderate DFLers in the House, and appear to have all but given up on meaningful action.
Meanwhile, the Senate just held an overwhelming bipartisan vote to repeal Walz’ emergency powers. On Thursday, the Senate passed the resolution to repeal Walz’ tyrannical powers by 38-29. Liberal Senators Tom Bakk (SD3), Kent Eken (SD4), David Tomassoni (SD6) and John Hoffman (SD36) all voted with Republicans.
What’s going on in the Minnesota House? Why are DFLers from swing districts like Rep Julie Sandstede (HD6A) and Rep Dave Lislegard (HD6B) protecting Walz? At this point, they are looking to remain in good favor with their party, rather than answering to the voters of their respective districts.
A whole state full of business owners, church goers, students, and “non-essential” workers are looking to the Minnesota House for answers. If Governor Walz can get away with restricting your rights by executive order, there is nothing that he cannot get away with.
Your elected leaders must send a message to Governor Walz and anyone who may come after him, that this kind of tyrannical action is not acceptable in a free country. Will you help send the message?
Sign on to the North Star Liberty Alliance’s Impeachment Petition and tell your legislators that Tyrant Tim Walz has to go.