New Bill: Politicians Want You To Wear Masks Forever!

New Bill: Politicians Want You To Wear Masks Forever!

If you thought Governor Walz’ current mask mandate was bad, get ready for what liberal DFLers in the legislature have to offer.


In an effort to make sure Walz’ economy-crushing regulations are written into law, liberal legislators drop a new mask mandate bill.


Read HF604 Here


This is EXACTLY what Walz wants. He and his friends know that his executive orders are not (nor should they be) treated as law. This is a last ditch effort to enshrine his legacy before his powers are eliminated, or he is impeached and removed from office. 


Things don’t get any better when you look at the details of this bill:


  1. Business Owners can face $25,000 and 90 days in jail for violation
  2. Individuals over 14 who violate will be fined $100
  3. No set expiration date. 


You read that last one correctly. There is NO expiration date for this mask mandate. This law would only expire once both the CDC and the MN Department of Health give written permission that COVID-19 is no longer a threat.


This bill comes on the eve of the CDC recommending two masks instead of one. Clearly, they’re strapping in for the long run. 


High School Athletes cannot take this crazy mask mandate any longer. They’re collapsing from a lack of airflow! Imagine requiring them to wear two masks!


Establishment politicians have trampled over the rights of Minnesotans for far too long. What will you do to stand up?


Have you put your name to the petition to Impeach Governor Walz?




Your name on this petition is important. Every name added is one more name your legislator has to read when they weigh out their impeachment vote.


When you sign, be sure to send the petition to everyone you know. This is just the beginning of the political battle. Stay tuned for what comes next.