
How You Know If You Legislator Is Lying About Supporting Impeachment

I’ve talked to countless numbers of people from around the state about the Articles of Impeachment against Governor Walz. One persistent question I always hear is “will my legislator support it?”.


I can tell you right now that if your State Representative has not signed on to co-author HR-2, they DO NOT support Impeachment. In fact, House Minority Leader Kurt Daudt and other RINOs have told their friends NOT to sign on. 


As of writing, these are the only legislators who have put their name to paper, saying that they’ll fight to make Impeachment happen:


Check in on the resolution here.


That’s right, only Representatives Mortensen, Drazkowski, and Munson have agreed to hold Walz accountable and fight to get this Impeachment resolution across the finish line. This means that there are a lot of phony conservatives in the legislature who talk the talk but REFUSE to walk the walk. 


Too many representatives only pay lip service to Impeachment in order to keep favor with their conservative constituents. Rep. Eric Lucero, for example, talks a big game when it comes to putting pressure on Governor Walz, but completely falls short when it comes to taking meaningful action. 


Lucero straight up told the North Star Liberty Alliance that he would NOT co-author Impeachment. What is he afraid of?


If Lucero and his friends refuse to sign on now, they will be seeing a summer full of pressure ads in their districts. The North Star Liberty Alliance is ready to continue the pressure campaigns for as long as it takes to make these negligent legislators see the light. 


In addition to Lucero, NSLA just began running pressure ads on Representatives Shane Mekeland and Keith Franke:




If you do not live in Mortensen’s, Drazkowski’s, or Munson’s districts, then you need to contact your legislator right now, and tell them to co-author HR-2: Articles of Impeachment against Governor Walz. 




When they get back to you, don’t let them give you the typical range of excuses. If they tell you anything other than a firm yes on co-sponsoring the resolution, do not give in. Impeachment is about sending a strong message to Walz and anyone who may replace him. The separation of powers must be respected in a free state, and any executive that disagrees must be removed from office. 


So contact your State Representative, and do not let them off the hook. If freedom-lovers don’t speak up now, politicians will believe that Walz’ actions are acceptable. Do not let power-hungry politicians succeed.

Democrats Launch Attack to Silence You

(Above: Ken Martin, Minnesota DFL Chairman)

The establishment -- with help from the Fake News media -- is attacking your North Star Liberty Alliance. A few days ago, the Minnesota Democrat Party filed a complaint with the Minnesota Campaign Finance Board to take action against NSLA and Liberty Champion Representative Erik Mortensen.


These baseless claims are an attack on the tens of thousands of Minnesotans from across the state who support the North Star Liberty Alliance grassroots organization.


North Star Liberty Alliance is recognized as a 501(c)4 nonpartisan nonprofit by the United States Internal Revenue Service and has been for the better part of a decade.


These vicious attacks are happening because we are being effective in educating Minnesotans on the ongoing assaults to our liberty and human rights. This shows that the political elite feels threatened by the open and free exchange of ideas. It's an obvious attempt to cease our Impeachment efforts, and leave grassroots patriots like you without a voice.


Rep. Mortensen aptly called out these tactics for what they are: PATHETIC.


I will not be silenced, which is why I am ready to step up our efforts exposing bad legislators. This bad faith attempt to silence your voice is hogwash, but the facts won’t stop the establishment from filing attacks-by-paperwork to try and shut us down.


Rep. Mortensen points out that we must be over the target if we are getting attacked. Proof positive that our efforts are working! The elites think their paper threats will force us to ease-up our effort to Impeach Gov. Walz.


They are targeting us because we’ve seen major progress on Impeachment and the establishment is shaking in their boots. Now is the perfect time to hike up the pressure.


I need your immediate help to crank up the heat on your representatives in St. Paul to see Impeachment through!


Pitch in your most generous contribution now, and show the phony conservatives and radical liberals in St. Paul that NSLA is here to stay. Give $100, $50, $25, or whatever you can afford to keep my group on the front lines in this fight. 


You see, this complaint originated after my team’s efforts to Impeach corrupt Governor Tim Walz were escalated in the last several weeks. Legislators on both sides of the aisle have been cowering in fear, HOPING that the North Star Liberty Alliance won’t launch a pressure campaign exposing them on Impeachment.


I am proud to say that we have made ignorant legislators’ fears a reality. 


This week, we are launching MORE targeted Impeachment pressure campaigns calling out Representatives Shane Mekeland and Keith Franke.


Check out the ads we are running exposing them for siding with Walz:



Mekeland and Franke are among the representatives who have REFUSED to stand up to Tyrant Tim Walz and co-sponsor Articles of Impeachment. 


It is imperative that the people of these districts know that they are NOT being defended by their elected officials. With enough pressure, Mekeland and Franke will have no choice but to sign on to Articles of Impeachment or flat out ignore their constituents. 


Pitch in whatever you can to ensure victory in this Impeachment battle! Give $100, $50, or $25 to help push phone calls, mailers, and advertisements into these critical districts. 


Then, send this article to all your liberty-loving friends and family. Explain to them that this battle is for the small business owners, students, and families that Walz has harmed over the past year with his unconstitutional edicts.


Tell them to sign on to the petition to Impeach Walz!




I know that with your help, we can teach the establishment a critical lesson. Don’t mess with the grassroots patriots of Minnesota. 


After you and I shock the establishment with NSLA’s pressure campaigns, they’ll have to give Impeachment a committee hearing and floor vote. 


Walz will face justice, and North Star Liberty Alliance will be there when he does. 

In Liberty,

Bill Paulsen, President

North Star Liberty Alliance

Dems To Expand Costly Train Projects Statewide

Democrats in the United States House and Senate are backing President Biden’s gigantic infrastructure project with everything they have. If this whopper of a bill passes and becomes law, Minnesota would see millions of dollars to try and make passenger trains relevant again. 


The proposed rail line would go from Duluth to Minneapolis, with four stops along the way. The Federal Government would be using your tax dollars to build the rail up front, then kick the operating costs back to the State, also using your tax dollars.


More specifically, MNDOT estimates that subsidies for tickets and operation costs will cost Minnesotans $19 million per year. A hefty price tag for a service that few are likely to use. Just look at the Twin Cities light rail ridership! Alpha News reported that ridership was down 59% in 2020 compared to 2019


Knowing how our state government works, a mixture of federal and state funding will be approved in an omnibus bill pushed by both parties and the project will be underway in no time. 


Where are the fiscal conservatives that campaigned their hearts out in the campaign season? Why aren’t they standing up to fight tooth and nail against more pet projects that are used as excuses to raise your taxes?


It appears the answer would be that your legislators want to keep their friends in St. Paul. They’re more worried about their political career than they are about standing up and doing what’s right. If you believe that Biden’s train is a waste of money, then call your elected leaders and tell them to save their money, and cut back on the taxes!



Media Continues To Cover For Walz’ Misconduct

One of the North Star Liberty Alliance’s prime directives over the past year is holding Governor Walz accountable. With the longest peacetime emergency in Minnesota’s history, Walz has shut down churches, gatherings, bars, restaurants, schools, and livelihoods of Minnesotans. This behavior doesn't deserve praise from anyone. 


It appears that the mainstream media is ready to give him a pass on his conduct. The StarTribune Editorial Board released an opinion on Easter Sunday, praising Walz for his executive edicts.


Check out their puff piece here


The editorial also condemns Wisconsin judges and legislators for daring to stand up against tyranny, and bring back a system of checks and balances. Just last week, the Wisconsin Supreme Court struck down their Governor’s overreaching mask mandate. Read more here


The editorial goes on to praise Tyrant Tim for his far-reaching orders that have allowed some areas to activate COVID-19 testing. The blatant and obvious omission from the piece, is how many businesses have suffered and failed because Walz threatened business owners with fines and jail time. 


The Foundation for Economic Education (FEE) has found that states with much looser restrictions are fairing far better than those with extreme restriction. Among the states with the lowest unemployment are South Dakota, Utah, and Nebraska. These are states where restrictions have been lifted, or restrictions were never implemented at all!


FEE also notes that states which locked down show negligible health effects, implying that the lockdowns may have never worked at all!


Perhaps the StarTribune Editorial Board should step outside of their cushy office in Minneapolis, and see that the people of Minnesota have had enough of these illegal and unconstitutional orders coming from Governor Walz. The North Star Liberty Alliance has the signatures to prove it!


Over the past several months, the North Star Liberty Alliance has gathered TENS OF THOUSANDS of petition signatures, all in favor of Impeaching Governor Walz! Have you signed on?



All of these petitions are being sent to legislators across the state. If they are not willing to interact with their constituents, we’ll do it for them! Impeachment is gaining traction; Both the StarTribune and negligent legislators will learn that soon enough.

Minnesota Gains Another Constitutional Carry Neighbor

Iowa Governor Kim Reynolds signed a bill into law on Friday, that eliminates the need for a permit to buy or carry handguns. This kind of legislation has commonly been called constitutional carry, and it's gaining traction around the United States. 


As of writing, 20 states have passed some sort of constitutional carry law and many more are on the way. The constitutional carry states have the surprising inclusion of liberal states like Maine and Vermont. If they can pass this thing, then so can Minnesota.


In fact, Minnesota is almost surrounded by constitutional carry states. North Dakota, South Dakota, and now Iowa have all passed the legislation. It appears that the legislation has also been introduced in Wisconsin. If this isn’t a sign that Minnesota should do the same, then I don’t know what is!


It’s time that our state recognizes the right to keep and bear arms, without any kind of prohibition from the government. With President Biden making moves with gun control on the federal level, gun owners better be ready to brace themselves for gun confiscation. 


This is why the Minnesota legislature must do everything in its power to protect the integrity of the second amendment and law abiding citizens. Representative Erik Mortnesen has introduced HF 1265, the Second Amendment Preservation Act (SAPA). If passed, this piece of legislation would protect gun owners by nullifying federal gun laws.


If you consider yourself a strong supporter of the second amendment, then you must tell your elected leaders to support constitutional carry, and SAPA!



Judge Orders Arrest Of Small Business Owner

(Above: Interchange Bistro Owner, Lisa Hanson)

Do you remember Lisa Hanson? She is just one of many patriots who defied Walz’ overreaching executive orders last year, and opened her business to the public. Courts promptly responded by slapping on a $3,000 fine for every day that she refused to listen to Walz. 


Interchange Bistro in Albert Lea continued to operate, despite the continued threats from Tyrant Tim Walz and Radical Attorney General Keith Ellison. Lisa stood up against the tyranny, and continued to fight for her right to keep her business open. Luckily, Freeborn County Sheriff Kurt Freitag saw things from Lisa’s perspective, and refused to serve Lisa’s arrest warrant.


However, on Thursday, Tyrant Tim’s lackey’s got impatient and ordered that Sheriff Freitag appear before the court. Eventually, the court again ordered Lisa to be arrested for daring to defy Walz’ executive orders from November.


Why now? King Walz has “allowed” for the loosening of restrictions on restaurants in recent months. All of Lisa’s neighbors are now free to operate their businesses more or less how they see fit. It appears that Walz’ friends want to make an example out of Lisa.


Let’s make an example out of Walz, instead.


Sign the petition to Impeach and remove Governor Walz from office for his crimes against the people of Minnesota. If he gets away with it now, what’s stopping future governors from abusing the same power?




Don’t let Walz get away with it. Let’s get the Impeachment done.

Walz Looking At Forced Vaccines?

Governor Tim Walz just gave a speech this past Sunday and I swear it was like a bad movie.


But instead of becoming the hero, Gov. Walz loves to play his part -- the villain.


In a sick attempt to manipulate Minnesotans, Walz abused his State of the State address to spread fear and plead for more power. Tyrant Tim warned that “variants” of COVID-19 are around the corner and that Minnesotans must continue to be careful. 


Clearly Walz is chomping at the bit to make vaccines mandatory by executive order -- a clear infringement of your civil liberties! If his fear of variants is recognized through the eyes of U of M Epidemiologist Dr. Osterholm, Minnesota will be locked down again any minute! Read more here.


This has to stop, and that’s why I’m glad to stand with folks who have a plan to strip Walz of his power. As Minnesota’s most powerful network of liberty-loving citizens anxious to protect our property, our prosperity and our freedoms under the Constitution, North Star Liberty Alliance is placed at the tip of the spear.


If you remember, NSLA launched our Roadmap in January with an aggressive grassroots mobilization program with a mission to:


  • Organize to strip away the governor’s Emergency Powers and END the Emergency Powers Statute: NSLA has been calling out bad legislators who REFUSE to end Governor Walz’ Emergency Powers from the very beginning. Back in March of 2020, only a few handfuls of legislators voted to restore the separation of powers. Thanks to some grassroots pressure, every Republican in the House is now on board.


  • Stop forced vaccinations: Just the thought of Liberty-Lovers like yourself coming down hard on these politicians for even daring to do this has kept them at bay, but it won’t forever. My team has already called out Rep Eric Lucero for allowing Real ID to pass, creating the first steps for a Vaccine Passport in Minnesota. This stuff is all over the news, just Google it.


  • Stop tax hikes pushed by greedy politicians: Despite support from politicians, the media, and unions, The North Star Liberty Alliance waged a successful campaign against Governor Walz’ radical Gas Tax increase and called out complicit politicians. You can be sure that I’ll do everything in my power to stop Walz’ current tax raise scheme he's proposed.


Below are just a few examples of our ads calling out tax and spend politicians! Some of which got the boot from liberty-loving voters:



As you can see, this is a mix of Republicans and Democrats. We don't discriminate in calling out anti-liberty legislators. 


  • Expose RINO (Republicans in Name Only) politicians: we are informing the public on who is pro-liberty, and who is anti-liberty (ESPECIALLY the Fakers!) in the form of mailers, phone calls, emails, digital ads and more. Pushback from the establishment only means that the pressure is working. 


  • Impeach Walz: He needs to be held accountable for his criminal and corrupt conduct by pushing his illegal and unconstitutional edicts. An update is below.  


Your Alliance will continue to do all of these things and more! But I cannot do it without the resources needed to put up our best fight.


Pitch in to NSLA right away, and watch your gift turn into political ammunition in the fight against anti-liberty laws. Give $50, $25, $10, or whatever you can afford in this fight!




The program is in full swing!


The grassroots campaign highlighting negligent politicians continues. Our group has been exposing phony “conservatives” who claim to stand for liberty but are unwilling to sign on to the Impeachment of Tim Walz for his illegal and unconstitutional edicts!


Our first target is Representative Eric Lucero. We sent mailers to THOUSANDS of people of his district, informing them of his bad actions in the past and his refusal to co-author Impeachment! Here is one of the targeted advertisements that we have been running:



We have matched that with THOUSANDS of phone calls to the people in his district.


You see, Rep Lucero is just the start. Because of your awesome contributions, we are expanding this program. Next week, I’ll be revealing our next wave of the campaign against legislators who refuse to stand up to Governor Walz. 


Unfortunately, these ads do not run themselves! I need the resources from our grassroots supporters to maximize our pressure campaign. 


Help us expand our reach by giving to the North Star Liberty Alliance. Give $50, $25, $10, or whatever you can afford at the moment to help make Impeachment happen!


Don’t let bad politicians off the hook for refusing to stand up to Walz. Their job is to represent you! NOT the man who has had complete and total control of Minnesota for the past year!


When we get all of our mailers deployed, all of our phone calls made, all of our digital ads are up, and more, legislators will have a choice to either listen to what their constituents demand or thumb their nose at them. Your Alliance is pushing hard to give Impeachment the vote it deserves. But it all counts on patriots like you stepping up to make this quest for liberty campaign possible.

Gazelka's Full Record Of Terrible Votes

When it comes to elections, many voters will simply look for the “R” or the “D” next to a candidate and vote exclusively on party affiliation. Our job at the North Star Liberty Alliance is to inform the citizens of Minnesota who is truly pro-liberty, and who is truly anti-liberty.


It’s safe to say that Republican Senate Majority Leader, Paul Gazelka, is anti-liberty. 


Over the years, Gazelka has led the Minnesota Senate down a dark path of bad votes, as well as a path of not standing up when they should. Some would call Gazelka’s behavior “spineless” for someone who claims to be a conservative.


Just why is Paul Gazelka so bad? Here is our list of bad votes by Gazelka:


  • Voted FOR HF0331 (2020) - A bill to raise the age to purchase tobacco from 18 to 21
  • Voted FOR HF1 (2020) - the $1.9 billion debt bill of 2020.
  • Voted FOR HF2414 (2019) - the 2019 HHS omnibus bill that raises spending by $2 Billion, while funding Planned Parenthood abortions.
  • Voted FOR SF761 (2019) - “reinsurance” bailout bill that uses taxpayer dollars to reimburse healthcare claims over $50,000. 
  • Voted FOR HF4404 (2018) - the $825 million debt bill filled with pet projects. 
  • Voted FOR SF3656 (2018) - Omnibus bill that expanded spending beyond the previously agreed upon two year budget


And MUCH more. You can check out a full list of Gazelka’s bad votes at:


So many people say they are tired of politics because politicians lie. Yet, every two and four years, they vote to re-elect the same liars that they loathe! If conservatives in the legislature want to start winning praise from voters and achieve their policy goals, they must stand up to the status quo!


This means no more bad budget votes, no more missed opportunities, and no more bowing to the radical left! The only way that Senator Gazelka can begin to redeem himself, is to tell Governor Walz that there will be absolutely no deals on his budget until he gives up his overreaching executive powers. If Walz STILL clings to his powers like the tyrant that he is, then the Senate must start firing his commissioners. 


If you would like to see Senators grow a spine, then email Senator Gazelka and send him this article. 




This is a man who is contemplating a run for Governor of Minnesota. If he wants to replace Governor Walz, then he must prove that he is in fact able to stand up to him. The people of Minnesota are ready for a true conservative leader, not another phony.

The Impeachment Pressure Is On!

For the last few months, the North Star Liberty Alliance (NSLA) has been informing the people of Minnesota on the efforts to impeach and remove Governor Walz from office. Establishment hacks told NSLA from day one that it could never happen.


Then, Representative Erik Mortensen launched Articles of Impeachment against Tyrant Tim Walz, and people took notice. After NSLA gathered tens of thousands of pro-impeachment petition signatures and delivered them to representatives around the state, RINOs and the establishment realized that they couldn’t ignore the issue any longer.


Conservative Fakers like Representative Eric Lucero will pay lip service to holding Walz accountable, but turn around and refuse to sign on to Mortnesen’s Impeachment resolution! Here is a digital advertisement that NSLA is running on Lucero, in an effort to get him on board:


Lucero is hardly the only representative who refuses to sign on. Starting next week, the North Star Liberty Alliance will be revealing the next wave of pressure ads against legislators who refuse to hold Walz accountable. 


Unfortunately, these ads do not run themselves! NSLA needs the resources from the grassroots army to maximize the pressure campaign. 


Help expand our reach by giving to the North Star Liberty Alliance. Give $50, $25, $10, or whatever you can afford at the moment to help make Impeachment happen!


After you donate, consider writing a letter to your local newspaper on the importance of impeachment. If Governor Walz is to be held accountable, legislators around the state must first be held accountable. By writing a letter to your local newspaper, you are signaling to your elected officials that this thing needs to get done!




When you sign up to write to your local paper, NSLA staff will reach out to you and help you create and send a draft! This is among the best ways to help for the cause of impeachment.


Then, send this article to everyone you know! North Star Liberty Alliance is doing our best to promote the cause, but we cannot win without grassroots patriots like you.

Walz Pats Self On Back In State Of The State Address

After initially postponing his State of the State address by a week due to the need to quarantine, Governor Walz delivered his virtual address from his former classroom at Mankato West High School. 


The North Star Liberty Alliance team watched the broadcast so you don’t have to… and you didn’t miss a lot. Walz patted himself on the back for the “progress” made with his COVID-19 recovery plan, including a record number of 1.5 million vaccines distributed -- among the highest in the nation. 


Here are some other key points from Walz’ address:


  • Unemployment insurance provided to 850,000 Minnesotans.
  • 40,000 COVID-19 tests per day.
  • Minnesota named “the best state in the country for women during the pandemic”. 
  • Encouragement to protest the Dereck Chauvin trial.
  • Millions of new spending in his budget proposal.


These are just a few of the more interesting points made during Walz’ speech. You can check out the full transcript by clicking here


Over the course of his address, there was no mention of the attempts to repeal his emergency powers, nor the efforts to impeach him. Governor Walz is (not surprisingly) trying to suppress these efforts by pretending they don’t exist. He is of the mindset that if these big issues are ignored, they will simply go away. 


Soon, Walz will need to face up to the damage that he has caused.


His misconduct ranges from keeping the people of Minnesota from peacefully assembling, to using the full force of the law on small business owners who are trying to keep their head above water. Because of Walz’ longest peacetime emergency in Minnesota history, the state economy may never fully recover. 


Walz believes the solution to excessive government intervention is more taxing and spending -- as reflected in his budget proposal. After Walz' attempt to cover up the real damage going on, the public needs the reminder now more than ever what crimes Walz has gotten away with while in office.


If you agree, then sign on to the North Star Liberty Alliance’s Impeachment Petition. 




Then, send this petition to your friends and family. Legislators in the State House need to see that impeachment is gaining traction amongst Minnesotans. Help apply pressure to your legislators and sign on now!