
Scott Jensen Voted To Make The Sick Tax Permanent

In late 2019, Minnesota was set to eliminate the infamous sick tax, which taxed health care providers and drove your healthcare costs up! This tax funds some of Minnesota’s worst programs like MinnesotaCare and could soon fund Walz' government takeover of healthcare. The provision was set to expire and with a Republican State Senate, it was looking like it would not be renewed…


That is, until Senator Scott Jensen came along.


If you’re not familiar with Minnesota’s sick tax and Scott Jensen’s bad record in the state senate, let me provide some context. The sick tax is a 2% tax which primarily took money from healthcare providers, hospitals, surgical centers, and wholesale drug distributors. Instead of outright repealing the legislation when they could, legislators instead passed a sunset provision for the tax in 2011. The tax was set to expire on January 1st, 2020. Instead of letting it expire, Republicans celebrate the passage of a new tax rate at 1.8% instead of the initial 2%. 


That tax rate is nothing to scoff at. In 2015, the Minnesota Management and Budget (MMB) predicted that the sick tax would rake in $611 million in taxpayer dollars, with a 5.8 percent annual growth in its revenue over the next five years.


Jensen is among the Senators who INTRODUCED the new sick tax and helped his DFL colleagues push it over the finish line. In a narrowly divided State Senate, Republican Scott Jensen’s vote had a lot of sway, and he ultimately brought some of his Republican friends on board. 


On the subject of re upping the Sick Tax, Jensen happily notes that... “Finding bipartisan solutions like this is why I ran for office.”. Bipartisan solutions sound nice on paper, but always disappoint when you read into what “bipartisan” means for Minnesota Republicans: Paying lip service to a conservative cause and then giving the DFL everything they asked for.  


Because DFLers controlled the state house and the governor’s mansion, they had a slight edge in budget negotiations. However, Republicans in the senate still had a majority. If legislators like Scott Jensen stood firm on the principles that they were elected on, they wouldn’t have needed to allow for a “compromise” like keeping the sick tax. 


Though the main point of this tax is to fund healthcare programs like MinnesotaCare, a lot of that money also goes toward the general fund. This is the same general fund that DFLers are using as a piggy bank for their expensive and dangerous socialist programs. Among these is OneCare, a complete government takeover of healthcare in Minnesota at the taxpayer's expense. The dollars are there to spend because Senator Jensen compromised. 


Scott Jensen helped further the left’s radical agenda, rather than “conserving” much of anything that voters hoped he would (Don’t forget that Senator Jensen co-sponsored gun control legislation). Now, he’s running for Governor of Minnesota to replace Walz. 


Despite how he attempts to present himself, Scott Jensen is nothing but your typical politician. Campaigning to and winning a conservative state senate district, just to turn around and vote with the far-left. Will he be able to convince the conservative delegates at the GOP State Convention that he is the best option for governor?

Pressure Forces Walz To Partially Re-Open; Scared Of Impeachment

His majesty, King Walz, has allowed his subjects a little more of their freedoms!


Facing calls for impeachment, and likely pressure from his rural DFL colleagues, Governor Walz was forced to “turn the dial” back, and allow the people of Minnesota just an ounce more of what they should have had all along -- freedom. Though higher capacities for businesses and gatherings is obviously good news… it should not be celebrated. 


Tyrant Tim Walz is giving the people of Minnesota crumbs, hoping it will stave off harsher calls for impeachment. Will it work? Here are King Walz’ updated COVID guidelines:



  • Social Gatherings: Up to 50 people outside, or 15 people inside.
  • Religious Services: Remove capacity limits with required social distancing
  • Bars and Restaurants: Increased “allowable” occupancy to 75% with a limit of 250 people. 
  • Salons/Barbers: No occupancy limit, social distancing required.
  • Gyms/Fitness Centers: Increased occupancy to 50%.
  • Entertainment Venues: Increased occupancy to 50%.



Don’t be fooled. This is all a ploy to make the people of Minnesota forget about all of the atrocities committed by Walz in the past year. Remember when he forbade churches from gathering? Or when he shut down vital medical procedures? The small business owners who closed their doors forever won’t be forgetting what Walz has done and neither should you. 


When will Governor Walz release his grip on the economy? Who’s to say he won’t shut it all down in a month from now? This nonsense has to stop and it must stop now. 


Local communities are standing up to this tyranny. Patriots on the Ramsey City Council just voted to forbid city resources going towards the enforcement of Walz’ mask mandate - effectively making it null and void. Ramsey is leading the charge against Walz and his unconstitutional edicts. Is your city doing the same?


Chances are, you won’t want to wait until your city councilors find their courage. The North Star Liberty Alliance (NSLA) has a solution to end Walz’ tyrannical reign over the people of Minnesota.


For the past few months, NSLA has been pushing hard to impeach and remove Tim Walz from office. Our team has been working around the clock to make your voices heard, whether it’s through letters to local newspapers, sending postcards and mailers across the state, giving your impeachment petition signatures to legislators, or calling legislators to bring them on board with impeachment… we’re working hard to make it happen. 


Of course, this is a grassroots effort. It cannot be done without your help. We’re still sending impeachment petition signatures to legislators! Have you added your name to the list? 




After you sign the petition, we need to apply pressure to state legislators in their home districts. By writing a letter to your local newspaper, you’re forcing your representative to take action. By forcing noncommittal legislators to co-sponsor impeachment, you’re giving it the committee hearing that it deserves. 




Lastly, our efforts come at a cost. Applying pressure to legislators across the state takes valuable time and resources that come from grassroots patriots like you! To ensure that we can continue to hammer our message and protect our liberties in Minnesota, I humbly ask for your contribution. $100, $50, $25, and even $10 donations make a difference! Whatever you can give will go towards keeping the North Star Liberty Alliance on the front lines in this fight. 




Keep up the good fight. With your help, Walz WILL see political justice for the damage he has caused.

City of Ramsey Won’t Enforce Walz’ Mask Mandate

On Tuesday night, the Ramsey City Council voted 4-3 to pass a resolution that effectively nullifies enforcement of Walz’ statewide mask mandate.


The resolution reads: 


“The Ramsey City Council hereby orders that CITY RESOURCES, whether physical, financial or otherwise, including but not limited to law enforcement, city staff and personnel, city contractors and subcontractors or assistance of any kind tied to the city, or any cooperation to any government including federal, state, or county, SHALL NOT be used to enforce any of Governor Walz’s Emergency Executive Orders, including but not limited to, Executive Order 20-81 and any other orders that infringe on people’s constitutionally protected rights, especially as it related to COVID-19.”


The resolution was pushed through by council members Chelsee Howell and Ryan Heineman. They both argued that Governor Walz doesn’t have the authority to issue such an executive order that infringes upon your freedoms. 


The magical part is, if you still want to wear a mask, you can!


Government shouldn’t tell you how to live your life. If you deem wearing a mask worthwhile, then you are within your rights to wear one. On the flip side, though, you can’t tell other people to wear a mask just because you think they should. 


The win for freedom in Ramsey will hopefully spread throughout the state. It's time that cities and county boards stand up to Walz’ tyrannical executive orders and pursue liberty.

Gun Control Advocate Scott Jensen Running For Governor

Former State Senator and physician Scott Jensen has announced that he is running for governor of Minnesota. Jensen served in the State Senate for a single term, voluntarily stepping down before he gained national attention for criticizing Governor Walz’ job-crushing executive orders. 


In his press release, Jensen announces that he is excited to restore hope and freedom across the state of Minnesota. Unfortunately, his record in the Senate tells a different story. 


In 2018, Senator Jensen signed on to a DFL sponsored gun control bill. At the time, Jensen said he supports universal background checks on handguns and “assault weapons”. You can check out his anti-gun quote here


Senator Jensen was called out by pro-liberty groups as well as the constituents from his conservative district. He only removed his name from the legislation after he was embarrassed by liberty-lovers.




How can you trust Scott Jensen to protect your second amendment rights as Governor if he won’t even protect them in the State Senate?


When you dig deeper into his record in the Senate, it only gets worse. Scott Jensen refused to bring forth a resolution to end Walz’ emergency powers.


Jensen had a resolution ready to introduce, but refused to fight tooth and nail to ensure it was heard. When confronted on the fact that he could suspend the rules, Jensen laughed and ran away!




Scott Jensen could have suspended the rules and forced a vote on his resolution to strip Walz of his job-killing powers. Why didn’t he?


Because RINO Senator Paul Gazelka told him no. 

Minnesota doesn’t need a lapdog for party leadership as governor. Minnesota needs a leader. If Scott Jensen is to mount a successful bid for his party’s nomination, he’ll need to reassure the conservatives in his party that he will stand on principle, not on orders from RINOs.

Legislators Will Try To Spend Your Surplus

After releasing some pretty disheartening numbers on Minnesota’s budget deficit last year, Walz’ Minnesota Management and Budget Office (MMB) just announced that there is now a $1.6 billion surplus. 


If you’ve been keeping up with our articles over the past few months, you’ll know that there never was a budget deficit. This $1.6 billion surplus, however, is larger than many would have anticipated. Don’t expect to get that money back, though.


Despite overtaxing the people of Minnesota again, it appears that Walz and his friends in the legislature will try and direct these funds towards more pet projects. 


Perhaps Walz will direct even more money towards his mass surveillance program, or maybe Republicans will give more bailout money to the City of Minneapolis


The truth is, regardless of what party they belong to, legislators are always looking to spend your money. 


Senate Republicans pledge for “no new taxes” is NOT enough. Taxes must be cut. A few years back, Minnesota was rated in the top 5 states for the highest tax burden in the nation. Since then, only more and more taxes have been proposed. 


Walz’ new proposal for this biennium would raise tax revenues by an estimated $1.6 billion. His administration claims that these taxes are just on the richest of Minnesotans, but he’s dead wrong. 


Even the left-leaning Minnpost admits that this proposal does more than tax “the rich”. If Walz wants to drive families and businesses out of the state, then that is one of the few things he is doing well. 


You and I must demand that the Republican Senate draw a line in the sand. No deals on any kind of radical budget proposal. 


Call Senate Majority Leader Paul Gazelka, and tell him to not let Governor Walz get away with his radical tax and spend proposals. While you’re at it, tell him that “no new taxes” isn’t enough! Taxes must be cut!


CALL PAUL GAZELKA - 651-296-4875


If grassroots patriots like yourself stand up to fiscal irresponsibility, we can force legislators to keep their promises and say no to government waste.

Walz to Give State of the State Address Remotely

The Governor’s office announced this morning that Governor Walz will deliver a virtual State of the State address on March 21st. He will give the address from his former social studies classroom at Mankato West High School.


The fact that he is breaking with tradition and delivering the address from afar should come as no surprise to anyone. After ignoring the legislature’s constitutional responsibility to draft legislation, he probably doesn’t have the guts to address them in person.


Tyrant Tim Walz has A LOT of explaining to do. In his address, he will need to tell both the legislature and the people of Minnesota why he has refused to follow the lead of bigger states like Florida and Texas and give up his economy-crushing restrictions. 


Walz will also need to explain his bizarre budget proposals, like his insistence upon raising taxes in the middle of a recession and his $4 million ask for mass surveillance


Perhaps most importantly, Walz will need to address the growing calls for his impeachment. Especially after the North Star Liberty Alliance delivered tens of thousands of impeachment petition signatures to legislators in St. Paul (one batch pictured below). 


Walz MUST be Impeached for his illegal and unconstitutional conduct in office. He has caused permanent damage to our state, and must be held accountable.


If you agree, consider writing a letter to your local newspaper urging your state representative to sign on to HR 2, a resolution to impeach Governor Walz. 




Writing a letter to the editor (LTE) is one of the best ways to grab your state representative’s attention. If they see a public letter bashing their lack of action, they’ll do whatever they can to keep voters happy. 

Sign up to write a letter to your local paper. Our staff will even help you write a draft! An impeachment hearing WILL happen, but not without your help.

One Year Of "15 Days To Slow The Spread"

This coming Saturday, March 13, will mark the one year anniversary of the enactment of Governor Walz’ job-crushing emergency powers. 


Many seemed okay with Walz taking the reigns away from the legislature at first. After all, nobody knew much about the severity of the pandemic.


What many didn’t realize, unfortunately, is that when the government takes up new power, it rarely gives up that power. This has proven true so far, in that Walz’ powers have extended far beyond the limit of public patience. 


Walz implied that the worst of his executive orders would only last for a two week period, thus the “15 days to slow the spread” ad campaign that cost the taxpayers millions. A year in, and very little has changed. 


Like a child, Walz refuses to give up his powers unless he gets his wish list of items from the legislature. Among his demands includes a statewide mask mandate written into law. Though the Republican Senate doesn’t stand up against much, it appears they will vote against this laundry list of items that infringe upon the rights of Minnesotans. 


“So if Walz won’t give up his powers, what can be done?”


The Legislature can repeal his emergency powers, and take back their constitutionally designated responsibility to propose legislation. A “repeal powers” resolution would only require a simple majority vote in both the state house and the state senate. 


Unfortunately, it appears Republicans are holding things up. Instead of fighting tooth and nail to repeal Walz’ powers, they blame a slim DFL majority in the house for their lack of action. Luckily, groups like Action 4 Liberty are doing Republicans' jobs for them and sending door knockers to vulnerable DFL districts and informing voters about their legislator’s failure to stand up to Walz. 


“So if the legislature won’t repeal Walz’ powers, what can I do?”


The North Star Liberty Alliance is currently undertaking our largest campaign in our organization’s history. For the past few months, we’ve dedicated our resources towards ensuring that Governor Walz is impeached and removed from office.


Impeachment has to happen. Governor Walz has gotten away with his abuses of power for far too long (a year, now!). In order to send a message to Walz and future governors that these unilateral executive emergencies are unacceptable, Walz must face an impeachment trial. Is your state representative on board?




When you talk to them, they’re going to try and give you a canned list of excuses. Don’t fall for it. Tell them that Walz’ abuses cannot go without political justice. Tell them they must cosponsor HR 2, a resolution to impeach Governor Walz. 


After you talk to your state representative, consider writing a letter to your local newspaper. This is among the best ways to get your state representative to take action. 




Sign up to write a letter to your local paper! We’ll even help you draft it! This fight to impeach Governor Walz cannot be done without your help. Help the North Star Liberty Alliance deliver political justice and restore the rights of the people by volunteering now.

Walz to Build His Own Surveillance State

Governor Tim “The Tyrant” Walz is on a roll. Further vindicating his nickname, Walz announced earlier this week that he is looking to build up the Minnesota Fusion Center to deal with “the threat of domestic terrorism”.


Minnesota’s Fusion Center was initially developed by the Department of Homeland Security and sits underneath Minnesota’s Bureau of Criminal Apprehension (BCA). Walz is looking to drastically upscale the Fusion Center’s responsibilities and turn it into a 24/7/365 operational agency that seeks to curb “domestic terrorism”. 


“Tyrant” Tim will be asking the Minnesota Legislature for $4 million initially, with an additional $2.27 million annually. It appears that most of these funds would go towards increased surveillance on the citizens of Minnesota. 


There appears to be very little pushback from the legislature as of writing. RINO Senator Warren Limmer provides the most criticism, saying that... "The very basic principle of government surveillance is whether or not there's balance."


Read More Here


I don’t know about you, but I’m not looking for “balance” when I think of the government violating my civil liberties. Especially considering that the left-wing media calls anyone associated with their political enemies “domestic terrorists”


This is Minnesota’s USA PATRIOT Act. It can and will send us down the path of endless and unwarranted government surveillance that George Orwell warned us about. 


“Tyrant” Tim Walz must be stopped. First he forbids businesses from opening their doors, churchgoers from gathering and worshipping together, and prevents you from visiting your family over the holidays. Now he wants to create unprecedented government surveillance to help enforce his immoral executive edicts. 


Enough is enough. Governor Walz must be impeached and removed from office for his blatant abuses of power. If you agree, please consider signing on to the impeachment petition. 



New York to Rescind Governor's Powers Before Minnesota

As the threat of the COVID-19 pandemic comes to a close, several states around the nation are beginning to return to normal. Including the solid-blue state of New York. 


The NY state legislature has come to its senses, and announced on Tuesday that they have constructed legislation that would repeal the emergency powers granted to Governor Cuomo. The resolution can pass as early as Friday


Considering that both the New York State Assembly and the New York State Senate are dominated by Democrats, this deal speaks volumes about where we are as a people. 


What’s even more outstanding, is that DFLers in Minnesota STILL won’t budge on ending Governor Walz’ emergency powers in Minnesota. These legislators are officially more radical than your typical New York Democrat. 


Have you heard the calls to impeach New York Governor Andrew Cuomo? The calls are only growing louder and louder as details get released on his pandemic death cover-up. It gets worse when you realize that Governor Walz did the exact same thing here in Minnesota. 


Both Walz and Cuomo put COVID patients into long-term care facilities, which directly led to the huge increase in senior citizen deaths. 


Even IF the legislature follows New York’s lead and rescinds Walz’ detrimental emergency powers, he cannot get off the hook for all the damage that he has caused. 


Walz must be held accountable. Walz must be impeached. 


If you agree, then reach out to your state representative and tell them to impeach Governor Walz!




Then, sign on to our impeachment petition. Every signature added is on more signature that your legislator needs to read when they weigh their vote on impeachment. 



Twin Cities Metro Gun Permits Skyrocket in 2020

The Minnesota Department of Public Safety Bureau of Criminal Apprehension (BCA) released it’s 2020 Permit to Carry Report on March 1st. The findings are great news for liberty-lovers in Minnesota.


In 2020, sheriffs issued nearly 100,000 gun permits, with the majority of them being issued within the 7-county Twin Cities metro. 


The huge increase in permits issued can likely be attributed to the mismanaged riots in the summer of 2020. People of all different political backgrounds are starting to realize that the police won’t always be there to protect them. 


Unfortunately, liberal legislators in St. Paul and D.C. likely don’t see this as a good thing. They are funded by anti-gun special interests groups like Everytown and Moms Demand Action


If these radical groups had their way, our firearms would be confiscated and we would all be put on a federal watchlist. Don’t let them win! 


As of writing, 18 US States have enacted Constitutional Carry laws, which protect the right of the individual to carry a firearm without restriction (though the specifics vary from state to state). 


If our legislators read the second amendment and understood the increased need for personal protection in Minnesota, they would sign on to Constitutional Carry right away!


Tell legislators in St. Paul that Minnesota must adopt Constitutional Carry laws, by signing the petition below.