
Will Candidates For Governor Sign Mortensen’s “Never Again” Bill?

So far, there are only three major candidates running for governor. Former State Senator Scott Jensen, Lexington Mayor Mike Murphy, and incumbent governor Tim Walz. Rumors of other potential candidates jumping in the race remains speculation for now. 


Last week, Representative Erik Mortensen introduced his “Never Again” Bill (HF2204) as a real and serious end to Walz detrimental emergency powers. If passed, this bill would put limits on a governor’s ability to declare an executive emergency without the legislature’s input. If a governor ignores the legislature and declares an executive emergency regardless, he or she may be fined and put in prison. This is exactly the kind of legislation needed to restore the separation of powers in Minnesota.   


As you have seen from the past year, there is severe danger in allowing any governor to retain the executive powers that Walz has abused. Obviously, Governor Walz is in favor of keeping his powers. Where do Scott Jensen and Mike Murphy stand on Mortensen’s “Never Again” bill?


So far, only Mike Murphy has put his name to paper by signing Action 4 Liberty’s “Never Again Pledge”. This pledge says that, if elected, the governor would not sign any legislation until Mortensen’s bill is signed into law. Check out the official petition here.


Scott Jensen says he supports Mortensen's bill, but refuses to sign on to Action 4 Liberty’s pledge! On a podcast discussion with Action 4 Liberty President Jake Dusenberg, Jensen admits that he not only didn’t sign the pledge, but that he REFUSED to introduce a resolution to end Walz’ emergency powers while he was in the State Senate. Senator Jensen listened to other politicians instead of the people, and backed down from doing what’s right.


Check out the discussion HERE


So why should the people trust what Dr. Jensen has to say? In addition to backing down from fighting against Walz’ emergency powers, Scott Jensen signed on to gun control legislation (check out the story here)!


Conservatives want a real and genuine voice in the governor’s mansion, NOT politics as usual. Until 2022, Walz is still governor and needs to face justice for his crimes in office. The North Star Liberty Alliance is leading the charge for Impeachment. Are you on board?



Conservative Faker Rep. Lucero Just Exposed As Party Lapdog

Supposed "Constitutional Conservatives" and "Liberty Legislators" are REFUSING to co-author the Impeachment Resolution -- HR2. These politicians parade around town and talk about how they are fighting for us. But they won't take the simple action of co-authoring Impeachment. 


Gov. Walz has illegally and unconstitutionally created law out of thin air, invented criminal penalties going around the legislature, banned exercising religion and nonemergency medicine, and taken private property. He's locked us in our homes, destroyed businesses, instituted lockdowns taking away all of our rights, shuttered schools and these politicians won't hold him accountable and co-author Impeachment.


So the pressure campaign is in full swing. 


Because of their refusal to sign on to Representative Mortensen’s Articles of Impeachment against Governor Walz, the North Star Liberty Alliance is jumping into action against so-called “conservative” legislators. Legislators like Rep. Eric Lucero will be hearing from the people in his district.


We'll be doing mailers, phone calls, targeted digital advertisements and more informing his constituents that he refuses to listen to their demands to co-author to Impeach Tyrant Tim Walz. He is supposed to work for his district! And stand up to the tyrannical edicts coming from Walz! But instead, Rep. Lucero is working for party leadership. 


Party leadership put out the orders to not co-author Impeachment. Like a good party lapdog, Lucero dutifully did as he was told.


Here’s an exclusive first look at the mailer that was just sent out to voters in Lucero’s district informing them what he is up to:


(Front Side)

(Back Side)


You see, not only did Representative Lucero forsake the voters by refusing to sign on to Impeachment, but by also allowing Real ID -- better named Dangerous ID -- to make it out of committee! This is the monster that was finally jammed through by the political machine in 2017 that is a massive intrusion into our private information.


Lucero showed up to the committee meeting in which this was heard, but didn’t vote against the bill! His vote would have been crucial to stopping the state level implementation of Dangerous ID. Now, radical leftists in St. Paul have the tools they need to institute COVID-19 Passports and further infringe upon your right to privacy!


My staff has prepared this mailer to be sent to THOUSANDS of households all across his district, so that Lucero will hear firsthand that his constituents are demanding he co-authors the Impeachment resolution!


This is the only language that these politicians speak. Unless it's made clear that ignoring their constituents' demands comes with a massive price, they don't care. The North Star Liberty Alliance cannot do it without the resources to amplify your message to co-author Impeach.


Help provide the resources to Impeach Governor Walz. Please give 100, $50, $25, or whatever you can afford to fuel this Impeachment fight.


With your contribution to this program, NSLA will be able to EXPOSE Lucero as the faker that he is.


Your donation will go directly to funding these digital ads, phone calls to people in the district and as much as we can muster to get the word out. 


Contributions are critical, but there is always more to be done. You can help make Impeachment happen by checking off each of these Action Plan items:




If you are unable to do all those, please do what you can and pitch in to help fund this program. North Star Liberty Alliances is nothing without Liberty Lovers like you. 


NSLA  doesn’t  have fat-cat lobbyists funding our organization like these politicians and their political party. This all comes from hardworking people like yourself who care about our freedom and holding Tyrant Tim accountable for his crimes and corruption against the people of Minnesota. 


Justice must be served but it comes at the cost of pressuring these politicians letting them know what YOU demand of them. And when we have the resources available to expose these politicians, that's when things can change. 


There's a famous quote from the former Republican U.S. Senate Minority Leader Everett Dirksen:


"When I feel the heat, I see the light"


And that's what our program is all about. It's about bringing as much political heat on these politicians as possible. With your help, Impeachment will get the committee hearing and floor vote that it deserves.

House DFL Introduces Budget; Embraces Socialism

On Tuesday, the House DFL introduced their long-awaited budget proposal; It’s not pretty. 


House Leadership approved a $52.52 Billion budget, which is the largest of the three proposals. It appears that the House DFL is fully prepared to embrace the arms of socialism with a government takeover of healthcare along with other big-dollar spending programs. House Speaker Melissa Hortman explains that these investments will help Minnesota “build back better”, a phrase taken from President Biden. 


The most notable increases in the DFL proposal are for education ($721.7 million) and healthcare (323 million). It is also important to note that liberals in the state legislature are hoping that the increase in healthcare funds will go towards a government takeover of healthcare!


The worst part is, the House budget plan doesn’t detail their proposed tax plan. According to the StarTribune, House DFLers won’t introduce their plan for taxes until April. This likely means that they are prepared to propose some huge tax increases -- perhaps even larger than the proposal put forth by Governor Walz!


Proposals like these just go to show how out of touch your politicians are. Elected leaders believe that raising taxes and spending in the middle of an economic recession with a $1.6 Billion surplus is a wise move. What a joke!


That surplus money belongs to the people! If legislators in St. Paul wanted to provide a stimulus to the people of Minnesota, they would return the surplus to the taxpayer and fully open the economy! Other states have begun to reopen and are thriving because of it. 


It’s not enough for Senate Republicans to say “no new taxes”. They must fight with everything that they’ve got to stop these radical proposals coming out of left-field. When your Senators are about to give in to liberal demands, remind them of their power as a senate majority.


Paul Gazelka and the Republican caucus must use Walz’ commissioners as a bargaining chip. If Walz and the House DFL refuse to cut taxes and spending, Republicans can begin to fire Walz’ commissioners one by one. I say they start with the Department of Health Commissioner, Jan Malcolm, who has helped enforce Walz’ radical job-killing executive orders. 


Furthermore, the Senate shouldn’t lift a finger until Walz gives up his emergency powers. If Walz wants help from the state legislature, he should return their constitutionally designated role to create legislation. No more unilateral executive orders.


If Walz still refuses to give up his powers, impeachment is the final option. Representative Erik Mortensen has introduced Articles of Impeachment against Governor Walz for his misconduct in office. If you would like to see your legislator sign on to impeachment, sign the petition below.




Then, send this article to everyone you know. Legislators will try and hide the worst of their proposals from the people. It’s up to the citizens of Minnesota to expose the impending socialist agenda and hold our elected leaders accountable.

Did You See Lawmakers Getting Called Out On Impeachment?

Fake Conservatives in the legislature don’t want the Walz impeachment to succeed. The last thing these posers like Kurt Daudt want to do is upset their friends across the aisle. What they don’t realize is that impeachment is popular, and gaining traction quickly.


Just take a look at what Minnesotans are saying: 


These are just a few examples of letters that North Star Liberty Alliance (NSLA) members have been publishing in newspapers across the state… and the RINOs are MAD. They REFUSE to lift a finger to co-sponsor Articles of Impeachment against Governor Walz, these conservative fakers need a little political encouragement.  


Thankfully, the North Star Liberty Alliance planned for this. 


Establishment hacks have been attempting to dissuade us from day one. They didn’t believe that we could get anywhere near our target petition goal, or find a legislator to champion Articles of Impeachment. Soon, NSLA will be launching a mail and digital campaign targeting the conservative fakers who pay lip service to standing against Walz, but refuse to do so when it matters most. Talk is cheap. When it comes to impeachment, you and I must demand action!


You see, the team at NSLA is ready to put in the blood, sweat, and tears to reign in conservative fakers and get impeachment across the finish line. 


Right now, NSLA needs your support in this fight. We are not afraid to spend as much as possible to target negligent legislators who refuse to listen to their constituents, but we need the resources to do so! Chip in $250, $100, $50 or whatever you can pay for ads, phone calls, and mailers to expose these politicians


When we get these ads online, these phone calls placed, and these mailers sent, politicians will receive the biggest backlash from constituents of their entire careers. They’ll sign on to Mortensen’s Articles of Impeachment right away. 


The staff at NSLA truly hopes that you have signed your petition to impeach Walz. We’ve dropped off thousands more of signed petitions recently and you could see the sweat under the politician’s collars. 


But please take the extra step and share this impeachment petition with everyone you know, and if you haven’t already please sign at once!


As you saw in the images above, members' letters to their newspapers across the state are making a big splash. If we are to keep up this pressure campaign, having more patriots write letters to their newspapers is critical. 


Will you answer the call and fight for impeachment?

Big Government's Latest Victim: Local Breweries

Above: Mankato Brewery in North Mankato

There is no question that Governor Walz’ overreaching executive orders have been detrimental to Minnesota’s economy. For more than a year now, Walz has used his authority to keep bars, restaurants, churches and movie theaters on a short leash. Many of these establishments couldn’t take the losses enforced by Walz and his state agencies, so they closed their doors forever.


As Tyrant Tim Walz is beginning to feel the pressure from the economic downturn, he has begun to “allow” many of these places to reopen while still requiring tough regulation. His quick dial back has left many businesses surprised, and eager to earn their customer base back.


KeyC News Now reports that breweries around the nation are experiencing an aluminum can shortage. This shortage was created due to the lack of demand from breweries, thanks to the artificially created economic recession. Now that states are giving the people their liberties back, breweries are unable to meet the increased demand. 


Supply chains are complicated. Businesses of all kinds need to know what to expect in order to meet demand and make a profit. When one man in St. Paul has the ability to shut down commerce with the stroke of a pen, businesses are in a constant panic trying to predict the market. This will naturally increase the cost of your beer, along with all kinds of other goods. 


Consider the plight of local restaurants! The majority of their supplies are perishable, meaning that they have less time to act upon market needs and desires. If they think that the Governor will shut down businesses again (health “experts” have touted this as a possibility), they will keep their prices high in order to make up for potential losses, in addition to trying to recoup from previous loss over the past year. 


The next time you visit your local brewery or favorite restaurant and see the extraordinary costs for your beer or meal, be sure to think of Governor Walz, and the economic mess that he has put our state's economy in. 


Though complaining about beer prices seems trivial, it goes to prove that Walz’ forced lockdowns have touched every Minnesotan in one way or another. Some Minnesotans have felt the economic pressure more than others. Brave patriots like Jane and Larvita opened their businesses to the public, only to be threatened with jail time and excessive legal fees. 


Remember those who have had to close the businesses that they have built up for decades, or those who have lost loved ones because Walz locked covid-positive patients in vulnerable nursing homes. The time to act on Walz’ blatant negligence is now.


Sign on to the petition to Impeach Governor Walz now, and send a message to the Minnesota House that this kind of behavior is not acceptable, and must be punished. 



Senate Republican Budget Fully Funds Agencies That Attack Business

Remember when the Minnesota State Government attacked small businesses? Small business owners across the state remember and are still dealing with the repercussions. 


In March of 2020, Walz used his newly minted emergency powers to shut down bars, restaurants, movie theaters, and churches across the state. Many business owners accepted the unprecedented government overreach in the name of “two weeks to slow the spread”. What started off as two weeks stretched on into months. A year later, and businesses are still struggling to pay their bills and get by. 


Brave patriots like Larvita, who owns a bar in Lynd MN, decided that the government had no authority to shut her down, and opened up her establishment for an open mic night. When state officials caught on, they harassed Larvita with phone calls and sent the local sheriff in to fine her $250 a day that she violated Walz’ edicts. When that didn’t stop her, Radical Attorney General Keith Ellison sought to increase the fines and threatened her with serious jail time. 


Then there’s Jane, who owns a bar and grill in East Grand Forks MN, which is minutes away from the North Dakota border. Jane decided to reopen her business to the public, and faced similar harassment by state officials. Attorney General Keith Ellison was sure to use the heavy hand of government against Jane, as well. 


It’s clear that state agencies did not have the interests of small business owners in mind, nor do they today. Senate Republicans took notice of Ellison and Walz’ abuses of power, and jumped in to say that they will not fund the Attorney General’s office if he continues to enforce Walz’ immoral declarations. Unfettered, Ellison continued to threaten small businesses across the state.


Now, it appears that Senate Republicans are prepared to fully fund the agencies like the Department of Health and the Attorney General’s Office who have enforced Walz’ illegal edicts. 


Nothing is set in stone yet, however, if you’ve been paying attention to budget negotiations over the last several years, the budget has always increased. When the media talks about slashing the budget or slashing funds, they’re usually talking about slashing proposed increases, NOT actual spending.


The question for our state government is not IF spending will increase, but HOW MUCH spending will increase. This is the sad reality of our modern political state. 


If Senate Republicans were serious about fighting Walz and his emergency powers, they would say no deals until he gives up his authority. If the Governor still doesn’t budge, the Senate ought to start firing his commissioners one by one until he listens. Radical leftists have used similar tactics in state legislatures around the country, why shouldn’t Paul Gazelka and his friends?


If you want to see justice for the attacks on small businesses, and the complete and total repeal of Governor Walz’ emergency powers, then call Senate Majority Leader Paul Gazelka to tell him that Republicans need to get serious about this biennium’s budget. 


Senator Paul Gazelka - 651-296-4875


Then, sign the North Star Liberty Alliance’s petition to Impeach Governor Walz! We have already sent the first batch of petitions (in the tens of thousands!) to legislators across the state. Sign, and then get your friends to sign in order to make it in the second batch!



Walz Powers Repeal Gets Senate Bipartisan Vote

How did your Senator vote?

House Republicans have been offering the same excuse for why they cannot repeal Walz’ emergency powers. They blame a small handful of moderate DFLers in the House, and appear to have all but given up on meaningful action. 


Meanwhile, the Senate just held an overwhelming bipartisan vote to repeal Walz’ emergency powers. On Thursday, the Senate passed the resolution to repeal Walz’ tyrannical powers by 38-29. Liberal Senators Tom Bakk (SD3), Kent Eken (SD4), David Tomassoni (SD6) and John Hoffman (SD36) all voted with Republicans. 


What’s going on in the Minnesota House? Why are DFLers from swing districts like Rep Julie Sandstede (HD6A) and Rep Dave Lislegard (HD6B) protecting Walz? At this point, they are looking to remain in good favor with their party, rather than answering to the voters of their respective districts. 


A whole state full of business owners, church goers, students, and “non-essential” workers are looking to the Minnesota House for answers. If Governor Walz can get away with restricting your rights by executive order, there is nothing that he cannot get away with.


Your elected leaders must send a message to Governor Walz and anyone who may come after him, that this kind of tyrannical action is not acceptable in a free country. Will you help send the message?


Sign on to the North Star Liberty Alliance’s Impeachment Petition and tell your legislators that Tyrant Tim Walz has to go. 



Mortensen Introduces Real End To Emergency Powers

There has been a lot of talk surrounding Governor Walz’ emergency powers. For the past year, he has been using his powers to shut down businesses, family gatherings, and even livelihoods. Though there have been many attempts to repeal his powers, none have succeeded as a stubborn few in the house insist on protecting him. 


This feels counterintuitive, as the governor has the flexibility to declare an emergency and use his powers without the legislature. Representative Erik Mortensen (R-55A) seeks to revive the legislature’s voice. 


Mortensen introduced HF 2204, cited as the Unilateral Emergency Powers Repeal Act, seeks to protect citizen’s constitutional rights while returning a system of checks and balances to the state government. If it were to become law, this legislation would require a 2/3rds majority of legislators in both the senate and the house to declare an executive emergency. 


This legislation also clarifies the criteria for an executive emergency, and reinforces the fact that the governor’s executive orders should not be treated as law. 


This is the ONLY real repeal of Walz’ executive powers to date. Other legislators have introduced bills with a limited scope that still allow the executive branch much of its power. Representative Barb Haley’s bill, for example, only look to gain publicity, rather than actually solve the problem. Senator Dave Osmek’s recent proposal isn’t much better. 


If Mortensen is going to get establishment Republicans on board with his bill, he’s going to need your help. Reach out to your state representative NOW, and ask them to sign on.




Then, sign on to the petition to impeach Governor Walz for his illegal and unconstitutional edicts while in office.



Taxpayers Barred From State Capitol

Rep. Mortensen Standing Outside The Capitol Fence

In a video released on March 12th, Representative Erik Mortensen explains that taxpayers in Minnesota have been BARRED from entering the State Capitol. Mortensen says that he reached out to the Sergeant of Arms, who claims that the fence surrounding Capitol grounds will remain “indefinitely”. 


Check Out His Video Here.


This exercise in suppression of citizen participation in government has been going on for over 10 months. When Mortensen heads inside the Capitol, he finds that Governor Walz didn’t bother to show up for work. 


This is a slap in the face to Minnesotans who wish for their voices to be heard. For more than a year now, this state has been under the control of one man who refuses to give up his “emergency powers”. Ordinarily, citizens would be able to call their state representative’s office and be able to air their grievances to their elected officials. Now, nobody answers the phone.


When Mortensen ventured over to the State Office Building, he was greeted with empty hallways and empty offices. 


“There are no lawmakers, there are no legislative assistants, there are no lobbyists… there are no constituents…”.


Mortensen explains that he along with a few of his fellow New House Republican Caucus members ARE showing up to work, and hearing the concerns of their constituents. He explains that if you reach out to a member of their staff, you WILL get a response. 


It’s beyond clear that your elected officials do not take their jobs seriously. Yet, they still get their regular paychecks. What can they say to the small business owners that have forgone their paychecks just to keep their business open?


All of this bad behavior is being encouraged by Governor Walz. He is perfectly fine with a lack of citizen participation in the legislature because it allows him to keep his job-killing emergency powers. It’s time that your representatives stood up to politically fight back. 


If you agree, then sign the petition to impeach Governor Walz IMMEDIATELY. We have already sent the first round of impeachment petitions to legislators around the state. We will be delivering our second round of petition signatures soon!


Make sure that your representative will co-sponsor the petition to impeach Walz, and sign on to the petition now. 



Congress Forbids States From Cutting Taxes

It’s official. Politicians LOVE taxes, even when the money doesn’t go directly to their districts or states. According to the Tax Foundation, states are prohibited from cutting taxes after receiving funds from the debt-building American Rescue Plan. This huge bailout was rushed through congress and signed into law by President Biden on March 11th. 


Minnesota is receiving roughly $5 Billion from the federal government, despite the fact that our state has a projected surplus of $1.6 Billion. If there was any time to cut taxes in Minnesota, NOW would be that time. Here’s the language from the American Rescue Plan:


“A State or territory shall not use the funds provided under this section or transferred pursuant to section 603(c)(4) to either directly or indirectly offset a reduction in the net tax revenue of such State or territory resulting from a change in law, regulation, or administrative interpretation during the covered period that reduces any tax (by providing for a reduction in a rate, a rebate, a deduction, a credit, or otherwise) or delays the imposition of any tax or tax increase.”


President Biden and Democrats in Congress just gave Governor Tim Walz an early Christmas present. Not only does he now have an excuse to raise taxes, but he also has all the money he needs to implement his government takeover of healthcare


It gets worse. These funds will prevent tax cuts this year all the way through 2024. This is an extreme overreach of the federal government into state affairs. If Governor Walz wished to have any kind of autonomy, he would reject the federal funds! This will never happen, of course. Walz is just another big government crony like the rest of our politicians. 


Are you mad yet? You should be. Direct that anger at our representatives and senators that voted for this disaster of a “relief” bill. Call them now, and tell them what you think!


Congressional Delegation


Angie Craig - (202) 225-2271


Dean Phillips - (202) 225-2871


Betty McCollum - (202) 225-6631


Ilhan Omar - (202) 225-4755

US Senators


Tina Smith - (202) 224-5641

Amy Klobuchar - (202) 224-3244