
Enough Is Enough - We Need A Clean End To Emergency Powers; Never Again

Enough with the games.


Republicans in the state legislature have been putting on quite the show for the people of Minnesota. 


Fortunately, people are starting to see through their lies.


RINO Republicans like Rep Barb Haley claim that they want to end Governor Walz’ emergency powers, yet introduce legislation that does no such thing! 


Check out our analysis here. 


These fake bills that Republicans keep pushing have no grounds in reality, and really just offer political cover for lazy politicians. 


Now, RINO Republican Rep Dave Baker has announced that he’s working with the liberal politician Gene Pelowski on pushing the reopen back several months!


Read more on Baker’s Betrayal here. 


Businesses can't wait to reopen several months from now! Far too many have closed their doors already thanks to Tyrant Tim's abusive edicts. 


This is getting ridiculous! Republicans pledged last campaign season that they would fight tooth and nail to end Walz’ emergency powers, yet now only offer fake reforms to get activists off their backs!


The legislature alone now has the ability to end Walz’ executive overreach once and for all. All they need to do is pass a simple resolution through the senate, and flip a few vulnerable DFL votes in the house. 


Then, and ONLY then, legislators should start talking about serious reform to the Minnesota Constitution. 


One surefire way to make sure that this kind of tyranny never happens again, is to impeach the tyrant. 


If Walz is not impeached and removed, he will get away with his abuses of power. He willingly and openly violated his oath to the constitution, and that is not something to take lightly.


Not only would this send Walz packing, but would send a message to anyone sitting in the governor’s mansion that the house and the senate alone can draft legislation. 


This is why the North Star Liberty Alliance has launched the largest grassroots campaign in our history, to impeach and remove Walz. 


Have you put your name to the effort?



After you sign, consider a generous contribution to this effort


The North Star Liberty Alliance has already sent out tens of thousands of letters to patriots around the state of Minnesota, and Representative Mortensen has submitted our Articles of Impeachment against Walz!


Now, you and I must convince the last holdouts in the house to vote for impeachment. 

Please, contribute now, and be a part of this historical impeachment.

Republican Rep. Dave Baker Saying No Reopening For Months; Pushes Fake End Powers Bills

Representative Dave Baker (R-Willmar) is dragging his feet. 


In a recording obtained from Lakeland Broadcasting, Baker admits that he won’t support immediate efforts to help struggling business owners. 


Instead of fighting to free Minnesota’s economy NOW, he’s pushing for a “bipartisan” bill that will delay economic freedom for several months. 


These businesses who are being forced to operate at partial capacity cannot wait any longer.


Looking at the North Star Liberty Alliance petition drives, countless numbers of Minnesotans are demanding that legislators Impeach Walz! Yet, these representatives can’t even get behind a simple bill to revoke his powers!


Why do Republicans keep letting their constituents down?


What’s worse, is that Baker is working with liberal politician Gene Pelowski (DFL - Winona), who has been in office since 1987!


Pelowski promised he was against the lockdowns, and even voted to repeal Walz’ powers last year! Now that the DFL has a slimmer majority, he refuses to vote the way he promised! 

This “bipartisan roadmap” that Baker and Pelowski are working on is nothing but trouble. Whenever Republicans agree to compromise, they walk away with 10% of what they wanted, while DFLers walk away with 90% of what they wanted!


Talk is cheap, and RINO Republicans like Dave Baker seem to be full of it. They can talk all day long about how Walz is overstepping his bounds, without actually taking any action to stop him. 


It’s no wonder that he’ll be on board with the fake bill moving through the legislature. 


This fake bill does nothing to address the current “emergency” declared by Walz. Instead, it seeks to create fake reforms to the governor’s ability to declare a state of emergency.


The problem is, this bill needs to be signed into law by Governor Walz -- which will never happen! Why would Walz voluntarily handicap himself?


Republicans are setting themselves up for failure. Instead of supporting a simple resolution to pass in the house and senate, they are pushing for a bill that doesn’t do anything while needing the governor’s signature.


Read more about the Fake Bill


It’s time to put political pressure on these politicians to do right by the people. Walz cannot keep getting away with his tyrannical edicts. 

Representative Dave Baker - 651-296-6206 - [email protected]


Call AND Email Representative Baker, and tell him to ditch his efforts to delay economic freedom. 


While you’re at it, tell him to Impeach Governor Walz. 




Walz CANNOT get away with the damage he has caused. It’s time for him to face political justice. 


Send a message to Walz by signing the petition above.

Democrats Block Ending Powers Again; Clearing Way For Fake Bill

Vote taken on 1/28/21

Earlier today, the House of Representatives let down the people of Minnesota. 


In what has become a routine, the liberal majority defended Governor Walz and his unilateral emergency powers that have devastated Minnesota’s small business economy. 


Vulnerable DFL Reps Gene Pelowski, Paul Marquart, Dave Lislegard, Julie Sandstede, Mike Sundin and Rob Ecklund all defended Walz and VOTED AGAINST freeing Minnesotans from his tyrannical grip. 


Thanks to the cowardice of these representatives, Minnesota will continue to be subject to Walz’ illegal and immoral executive authority. When will these legislators listen?


Unfortunately, this defeat sets RINOs up to move their fake bill. 


That’s right, Republicans like Rep. Barb Haley -- who have been pushed to the front of the caucus -- have cast themselves as the “heroes” who will end Walz’ emergency powers.


If Barb Haley really wanted to end Walz’ powers, then why would she gunk up the process and move a fake bill?


You see, the legislature alone has the power to END Walz’ executive overreach. When both the senate and the house pass a resolution against Walz, his powers are repealed.


What Haley and her friends are pushing is a bill to “reform” (not end) the governor’s ability to declare an emergency. This bill would need to be signed into law by the governor -- Which will never happen


Read more about this fake bill. 


Haley knows that she is setting herself up for failure… and maybe that’s the point. 


Politicians are always looking for the best way to SAY they’re doing something, without actually doing anything. 


In other words, politicians like to be lazy. They perform political theater to score cheap points, and are rewarded with re-election or election to a higher office.


Do not reward bad behavior.


Walz and his friends must face political justice for what they have done to the people of Minnesota.


Have you signed on to the petition to Impeach Walz?




When you sign, send the petition to everyone you know! The North Star Liberty Alliance will print off every last petition signature to show to the holdouts at the Capitol.


Your voice matters, and The North Star Liberty Alliance is ready to amplify it.

No, Reps Can't Be Arrested For Not Wearing Masks: Minnesota Constitution

DFLers in the Minnesota House recently pushed through a new rule to require masks on the house floor. 


This new rule came to fruition after liberty-champion Erik Mortensen exercised his freedom to not wear a mask in his first few days on the house floor. 


Mortensen was sworn into the Minnesota house after beating the far-left legislator Brad Tabke. 


Tabke took to his social media to celebrate the passage of what he calls “The Mortensen Rule”.



When he heard the news, Mortensen laughed at the idea and welcomed it. Saying in a virtual town hall, “call the mask rule the ‘Mortensen rule.’ I would have a heyday with that!”


Tabke is one of many who worshipped the magical powers of the mask. When they heard Mortensen brush off the mask attacks, they absolutely lost it.


Many of Tabke’s friends expressed hopes that Mortensen would be “arrested” and “escorted from the floor”.  


Before any left-wing legislators get any ideas, they should refer to the Minnesota Constitution.


Article IV, Section 10 states that:


“The members of each house in all cases except treason, felony and breach of the peace, shall be privileged from arrest during the session of their respective houses and in going to or returning from the same. For any speech or debate in either house they shall not be questioned in any other place.”


Obviously, it’s ridiculous to compare maskless legislating to “treason, felony, and breach of peace”, but watch the radical-left try to make that connection. 


They may also want to check the text of Tyrant Tim’s executive order on masks:


This Executive Order does not apply to Legislative

proceedings and meetings.”


Representative Mortensen and his fellow legislators have ZERO obligation to follow this new “rule” in the house. Likewise, government should not have such power over we who consider ourselves a free people. 


More and more research comes out about the harmful effects of forced mask-wearing and little to no benefit from doing so. 


Look no further than our high school sports teams here in Minnesota. Children are collapsing because of a lack of proper airflow.


Governor Walz doesn’t care. 


Walz and his friends in the legislator would rather virtue signal than try and do right by the people of Minnesota. 


Send a message to Walz, and kick him out of the Governor’s Mansion.



When you sign the petition, be sure to send it to your friends and family. 


Do not let Walz get away with his negligence. 

Massive Business Closures From Walz' Forced Lockdowns Harming Minnesotans

The immoral and illegal lockdowns unilaterally enacted by Governor Tim Walz have destroyed Minnesota’s small business economy. 


The StarTribune compiled a list of nearly 100 restaurants that closed this year, noting that there are many, many more that were not included. Check out their list here.


In addition to closures, there are countless numbers of businesses owners that were bullied by Walz and radical Attorney General Keith Ellison for bravely standing up and opening their businesses. These left-wing bullies went as far as demanding any proceeds made without their explicit approval. 


Walz apologists will say that the lockdowns are necessary in order to prevent the spread of COVID-19. 


What would Walz’ friends say to the states of Wisconsin, and South Dakota?


With a similar population density, Wisconsin has implemented fewer COVID restrictions than Minnesota, and has seen fewer deaths. As of writing, the Wisconsin General Assembly is likely to vote to repeal the state’s mask mandate


South Dakota never entered a state of emergency, and their economy is thriving


It’s time for Minnesota to take the hint, and open up our economy. The bullying from Minnesota’s chief executive MUST come to an end. 


Walz must face justice for his executive overreach that has put all Minnesota bars and restaurants in jeopardy. 


Luckily, there are those in the legislature that agree. Representative Erik Mortensen has submitted Articles of Impeachment against Governor Walz, and will get a vote in the coming weeks. 



Is your state representative on board? Ask them!




Use the link above to contact your legislators, and tell them to impeach Walz!


It comes down to a few representatives in the state house. Will they let you down? Make sure they understand how serious this is, by signing the petition to impeach Walz. 




Use the link above to sign the petition. When we reach our signature goal, these petition signatures will be printed and hand delivered to the holdouts in the state legislature. 


Every name on the petition is one more name your legislator has to read when they weigh out their decision on impeachment.


After you sign, send this petition to everyone you know! It is up to you and I to make sure our voices are heard in St. Paul.


Together, we can use the constitutional process to send Walz packing.

MN Budget: Saying There Is A Deficit Is A Lie, Here's The Proof

Walz’ administration released some pretty gloomy numbers on the budget late last year. 


Those same numbers are being used to justify huge tax hikes on EVERY Minnesotan, not just the “top earners” like the media claims. 


Check out our analysis of Walz’ proposal


What if it was an elaborate lie? What if Walz and his friends are lying (again) in order to push their socialist agenda?


Unfortunately, it appears that these numbers are a lie -- yet nobody is talking about it!


You see, when the government creates a budget forecast, they ALWAYS assume that spending will increase. In this case, the forecast assumes that spending will increase by roughly 7.3%. 


The current budget is $47.6 Billion, and the forecast uses a budget estimate of $51.1 Billion.


Why do they make this assumption? Do they assume that Walz will get his way and enact his radical socialist agenda?


When you crunch the numbers using current spending, Minnesota is actually looking at a $2.9 Billion surplus! 

See the full budget for yourself. 


Add that on top of the budget reserve, currently overflowing with $1.9 Billion, and you have yourself a recipe for tax cuts!


I want to make this clear: There is only a budget deficit if politicians in St. Paul agree to increase spending!


The last thing that this locked-down economy needs is tax increases to pay for Walz’ pet projects. 


There should be absolutely no consideration for Walz’ tax increases, nor his spending increases.


There should be no consideration for ANYTHING Walz is trying to push, until his emergency powers are gone and done with. 


If he wants to legislate like a King, then he shouldn't receive any cooperation from the legislative branch. 


We all already know that Walz’ friends in the house will fall into line, so the battle comes down to the Republican controlled senate. 


We’ve seen Republicans cower down to the will of the left before. Look no further than the reinstatement of the sick tax is 2019


You and I must remind these supposed “conservatives” in the senate that they promised their constituents no new taxes. Help hold them accountable. 


Sign the Petition for No New Taxes!


Your signature is important. When we reach our signature goal, we’ll hand deliver these petitions to the legislators in St. Paul. 


When you sign, be sure to send this article and this petition to your friends and family. Walz and his radical socialist agenda MUST be stopped.

Fake End Powers Bill Pushed By Senate Republicans Gaining Steam - Bad News!


Senator Zach Duckworth (R - Lakeville) and Representative Barb Haley (R - Redwing)

They’re back at it again. 


Establishment Republicans in the House and Senate like Rep. Barb Haley and Sen. Zach Duckworth are making empty promises to their constituents. 


It appears that the political powers that be are rallying around this FAKE end to Governor Walz’ “emergency” powers that have destroyed Minnesota’s economy. 


You read that right. By rallying around this bill, Republicans allow Walz to keep his powers for as long as he wants. 




Not only that, the bill does nothing that would stop Walz from locking us all in our homes, threatening to jail people for going to Thanksgiving or saying you are not essential. 


The legislature has the power to End Walz’ Emergency Powers with a simple resolution -- no signature from Walz needed! THIS BILL, however, would require Walz to sign off (which will NEVER happen!). 


Establishment Republicans will say that this stops Walz and future governors from abusing their powers. If this is true, then why would Walz ever sign this bill into law? If he is looking to keep his power, then the last thing he would do is handicap himself. 


This is what needs to happen:


  • End Walz’ Emergency - No Deals, No Compromise, No Nothing until this happens.
  • Repeal Emergency Powers Law completely - Eliminate the law that Walz points to for justifying his fake power. End Chapter 12 Emergency Powers with a clean, complete repeal, then this nightmare cannot return. NEVER AGAIN!
  • Impeach and Remove Walz - He needs to be held accountable for abusing his power. Enough said. 


Anything less than this is complete hot air from Republicans. Anything short of a full repeal of the emergency powers law is an allowance for full executive control. 


Walz has already driven a bus through a straw using any tacit language as justification that he can be an authoritarian with total control. Not only that, but there used to be a provision for public health items in the law previously that has been removed. 


There is not a provision for public health in the law now and exactly why Walz is being sued by legislators in state and federal court over this as well as multiple Recall petitions filed as well. Therefore, any language of a law left on the idea of Emergency Powers will be abused as we’ve already seen. Are we so stupid to think these tyrants won’t press on?


Moreover, having any government with the authority to tell you you’ll go to jail over Thanksgiving or Christmas is not only dangerous and inhumane, it’s unconstitutional. We shouldn’t be arguing in the Statist’s frame that this stuff is even remotely ok or negotiable. Our freedoms are not up for a vote and we will settle for nothing less than a full end to supposed “emergency” powers.


The entire point of a constitution that narrowly defines power is that it is largely timeless and why it can only be changed with wide and deep support. Whereas these “emergency” powers laws illegally circumvent the constitution and trample on human rights that are constitutionally protected.


The problem is, more and more self-proclaimed “conservatives,” that are really just RINOs, are signing on to this bad bill. That’s bad news. 


Senator Zach Duckworth REFUSED to fill out North Star Liberty Alliance’s candidate survey this past election cycle. This was after he lied to multiple NSLA members saying from his mouth to their ear that he would fill it out. He’s an absolute faker and betrayed us! It is now clear why.




True conservatives would be happy to put their name to our survey and say they oppose gun control, the met council, and complete government control of healthcare. But not Zach Duckworth


He and the other two senators (Osmek and Kiffmeyer) who authored this trash legislation know that this bill will not and cannot go anywhere. They think that as long as they make the bare minimum effort, they’ll win their reelection bids. 


Remember when Republicans opposed big government? It appears those days are over. 


Representative Barb Haley authored an earlier version of this garbage back in November. She’s no better! Check out our in-depth analysis of her attempt to pass the fake powers bill


This bill from Senators Duckworth, Osmek and Kiffmeyer is a bit more clever in hiding its goals than Haley’s bill, but that makes it even more dangerous. Unlike Haley’s bill, SF 4 appears to say that the legislature has to vote to extend an emergency whereas Haley’s bill and the current statute says the legislature has to vote to end the emergency. 


The current law has meant that with one DFL chamber, Walz and his DFL party bosses can block a vote to end the emergency but under the Duckworth bill, the one nominally conservative chamber can block an extension of the Governor’s so-called emergency.


So that means SF 4 fixes the problem, right? If we had a repeat of COVID-19, the Republicans in the senate would be able to end the emergency without relying on the votes of DFLers in the house?


Short answer, no. The problem is seen in a closer inspection of the SF 4 language:



(The entire bill can be found here.)

As highlighted above, Senators Duckworth, Osmek, and Kiffmeyer bring up the issue of what happens if the Governor tries to get around the termination of the emergency by ordering a new one. They claim they solve this by saying the Governor would not be able to order a new emergency declaration for the same emergency.  


But who would define what is the “same emergency”? Let’s go back to the example of COVID that is so familiar.  If the legislature under this law had voted in the summer to end the emergency, what stops the governor from saying a few weeks later that the fall wave of COVID constitutes a new, more dangerous emergency?  If a new viral variation arises (as has happened with COVID), does this constitute a new emergency? 


This is not simply a clever word game.  Walz and Ellison have shown they will ruthlessly exploit any loophole to expand their power over the last year.  The only way to prevent a repeat of the nightmare imposed in the last year on business owners and all Minnesotans is a clean repeal of the emergency powers statute!


Any RINO (Republican in Name Only) in the house AND senate who supports this fake bill will likely see a primary challenger in 2022. Though the North Star Liberty Alliance does not and will not endorse candidates, we do inform voters on who is pro-liberty, and who is not.


Support the North Star Liberty Alliance in the efforts to expose bad legislators, and Impeach Walz. 

Consider a contribution to keep us on the front lines in this fight.

Walz' Disastrous Budget Dropped Today That Jacks Up Taxes

Tim Walz campaigned for governor in 2018 on the slogan of “One Minnesota”. That slogan sounded great for the campaign cycle, but does not describe his tenure as Governor.


Unfortunately for him, he has fumbled the ball SEVERAL times and divided Minnesotans rather than unified. From his mismanagement of the riots last summer, to the forced lockdowns that killed our economy -- Walz has been a disaster.


Now, he looks to further divide the people of Minnesota with his proposed budget for the biennium. 


“Tyrant” Tim Walz is borrowing language from his best friend in congress, Congresswoman Alexandria Occasio-Cortez. Walz introduces several new taxes, commanding the people of Minnesota to “pay their fair share”.




Among his proposals, are:


  • A HIGHER Income Tax Bracket
  • MORE Taxes on Tobacco
  • MORE Taxes on Businesses
  • EXPANDING the Death Tax


These crushing taxes on the people of Minnesota are his attempt to cover for his botched handling of the COVID-19 pandemic. 


He blames the virus for the economic turmoil, even though states like South Dakota are experiencing an economic surge


Walz will never admit that he overstepped his authority, and that the people of Minnesota are suffering because of him. 


To keep them quiet, Walz also introduced more political bribes, including:


  • $750 handout checks
  • $150 Million to pay for the riots that he applauded
  • $50 Million loans to struggling business owners


These are just SOME of his jacked up spending propositions. Check out the full list. 


All of this is political cover. Walz hopes that these political bribes and tax increases pass so that he can say he’s doing something. 


The ONLY thing that can begin to repair the damage he has caused is to give up his powers, open the economy, and step down as Governor. 


Unfortunately, this is unlikely to happen. That’s why you and I MUST take political action. 


The best place to start is to contact your local elected officials. Tell them that Walz has gone too far, and MUST be reigned in.


Use the link above to reach your local state representative and state senator. 


When you contact them, be sure to remind them a vote on impeachment is coming up. 


Representative Erik Mortensen has submitted Articles of Impeachment against Governor Walz, and will come up for a vote soon. 


Have you signed the petition to impeach Walz?




After you sign, consider writing a letter to your local newspaper about Walz’ blatant abuse of power. This is one of the most effective ways of getting your legislator to take action. 




Together, we can make our voices heard and send Walz packing once and for all.

MN Tax Bureaucrat Comm. Doty Doesn't Understand Question To Cut His Department's Budget

In 2020, Minnesota small business owners got told they’re no longer allowed to do business however they see fit in Minnesota. Thousands of businesses shut down, 200,000 jobless, and a once booming economy was brought to a screeching halt. 


A lot of Minnesota businesses lost 20 percent, 30 percent, even 50 percent of their revenue. Some of the businesses who stayed open still lost even 90 percent of their revenue. 


This economic catastrophe was brought to Minnesotans the same way they were brought to so many other states. The government woke up one day and decided to “help”.

With all of the government intervention raining down on mom and pop businesses and the absolute destitution politicians in St. Paul left the rest of the state in, one would hope the state government understood the gravity of the decisions they made.


Well, it turns out, they don't. As a matter of fact, some of them can’t even comprehend the words “cut” and “budget” when put in the same sentence.

In the January 19th House Taxes Committee meeting, Representative Erik Mortensen, a liberty firebrand, asked Tax Commissioner Doty the following question:

“If your department was forced to cut 20 percent of its operating budget, where would you start?”

After a flurry of “Uh” and “Uhm”’s, the Commissioner admitted he didn’t understand, and Rep. Mortensen clarified. “I’m asking you, if you were on the spot, and had to make a 20 percent reduction to your expenses and your department, where would you start?”


The commissioner could not give an answer. The Small business owners, the mom’s and pop’s, the lifeblood of our community in Minnesota, had to answer that question in 2020, only it wasn’t a hypothetical. 


Real people, our neighbors, lost their revenues. Real people, our friends, lost everything they’ve been building their whole lives and had to close down their businesses, all because of the unbridled, unrepentant tyranny of Governor Walz and a legislature that refuses to check his power.


We are 10 months deep into this oppression. We have a governor with an unquenchable thirst for power, and a legislature that seems to be on vacation, content to let the Governor have his fun. 


This needs to end now. Are you ready to take action? 



Despite Economic Downturn, Walz Calls For Higher Taxes

Thanks to Governor Walz and his self-appointed “emergency” powers, the Minnesota economy has taken a nose-dive. 


Along with countless business closures and lost jobs, the state government is looking at more than a $1 Billion budget shortfall over the next two years.


What is Tyrant Tim’s response to this chaos? Tax increases.


According to Blois Olson from WCCO, Governor Walz is looking to introduce a “...moral budget, that [will] reflect our values.”


We have to guess that Walz is referring to his socialist friends when he says “our values”. He certainly cannot believe that staggering tax hikes are in line with the values of the people of Minnesota. 


While Republicans have control of the state senate, don’t expect them to fight tooth and nail to stop Walz. 


Last biennium, Senate Republicans “compromised” to renew the detrimental sick tax


Senator Paul Gazelka made a promise this legislative session, pledging “no new taxes”. 


The North Star Liberty Alliance calls upon Gazelka to go even further, and tell Governor Walz the senate won’t make any kind of compromise until he gives up his “emergency powers”. 


Tell Senator Gazelka to keep his word, and to not bow to the whims the radical left. 




Had enough of “Tyrant” Tim Walz and his stranglehold over the Minnesota economy?


Join in on the efforts to hold him accountable.