
Mortensen Stands Up Against Establishment

Though our liberty champion -- Representative Erik Mortensen -- was officially sworn in to the legislature yesterday, he was NOT met with open arms by the establishment. 


Mortensen made a motion to hear his resolution which would end Governor Tim Walz’ emergency powers, and revoke his shutdown of the state economy. Speaker Hortman wouldn’t hear it.


Both her and Majority leader Ryan Winkler ruled Mortesen out of order, and tried to shove his resolution under the rug. Mortensen was ready for these kinds of shenanigans and appealed Speaker Hortman’s ruling. Fellow Republican legislators stood with him and against Hortman. 


When it came down to it, DFLers who had voted against Walz’ emergency powers previously FLIPPED THEIR VOTES. Representatives Ecklund, Lislegard, Marquart, Pelowski, Sandstede and Sundin all voted AGAINST hearing Mortensen’s resolution, causing it to fail on the floor.


When their votes mattered most, they cast them against the people of Minnesota. 


Are you fired up yet? Turn your frustration into action, and give their offices a call:


Rep Rob Ecklund: 651-296-2190 - [email protected]


Rep Dave Lislegard: 651-296-0170 - [email protected]


Rep Paul Marquart: 651-296-6829 - [email protected]


Rep Gene Pelowski: 651-296-8637 - [email protected]


Rep Julie Sandstede: 651-296-0172 - [email protected]


Rep Mike Sundin: 651-296-4308 - [email protected]


When you call and email them, DO NOT let them give you the typical political excuses. Representative Mortensen did his homework, and followed the rules of the house. 


These representatives are defending Walz’ tyrannical powers, which are running small businesses into the ground. 


If our grassroots army can put enough pressure on these legislators, maybe they will think twice when Representative Mortensen brings up his resolution AGAIN. Voters sent Mortensen to St. Paul to be a fighter, not a quitter!


After you have reached out to those six negligent legislators, please sign our petition to impeach Walz, and consider leaving a generous donation to help kick off our statewide grassroots effort to convince both voters and legislators that Walz MUST be impeached. 



Impeachment is Coming


Dear Friend,

It is a miracle that our State still stands.

Governor Tim Walz has done everything he can to tear it down, from exponential tax and spending increases to forced lockdowns.

In fact, the legislature just rubber stamped another month of his special powers, despite members of his own party turning against him.

Your North Star Liberty Alliance (NSLA) has been doing everything possible to support the patriots who stand in defiance of “Tyrant” Tim Walz and his St. Paul cronies.

Where have the "conservatives" in the state senate been?

Enthusiastically supporting Walz’ political bribes to quietly appease struggling business owners.

Even when they truly know that the best “stimulus” for business owners would be to open the economy and let Minnesotans earn an honest living.

Crumbs won’t fix the heavy hand of the government barring legal businesses from making a living.

Our state's economy is crumbling as “Tyrant” Tim Walz’ cronies are trying to throw business owners in jail for simply feeding their families!

Gov. Walz is out of control, and it’s clear he won’t release his iron grip on our livelihoods until he’s booted out of office!

So in just a moment, I’m going to ask you to step up and support the full-scale effort to impeach Walz.


Impeachment is much more than just “talk”.

You see, NSLA is working closely with the most conservative Representatives and Senators to roll out the formal impeachment this month.

Together, we are drafting the articles of impeachment against Tyrant Tim Walz right now.

Rep-Elect Erik Mortensen is all-in to bring these articles of impeachment to the legislature floor and whip the votes to get it passed..

You and I both know the liberals won’t let Walz go down without a fight.

But, if Minnesota patriots hold their politicians' feet to the fire, even soft conservatives and staunch liberals must bend before the voters’ will.

That means generating a tidal wave of calls, rallies, letters, and emails blasted into their offices! I’m talking about hundreds of thousands of Minnesota patriots taking action -- a record breaking avalanche.

This is a high bar, but with all the work you and I have put in, it’s within reach.

Your North Star Liberty Alliance is on the verge of the largest grassroots campaign in our history to formally impeach and remove Governor Timothy J. Walz.

But Impeachment only works if Patriots like you choose to act.

So please join this fight at once, crank up the heat on your politicians to back the Walz Impeachment: sign the petition to Impeach Walz right away!

When you sign, be sure to send the petition to everyone you know.

Friend, you may think that impeachment is a bar that’s set too high.

Even in the legislature, many conservatives lack the spine to take action on impeachment without a swift kick to their hineys. And staunch liberals won’t budge unless they have to.

But when your Alliance barrels into each office with tens of thousands petitions signed by their voters DEMANDING that they vote to impeach Walz, the politicians will have no choice but to act…

...or face the wrath of their own voters at the ballot box.

Your Alliance is ready to put in the blood, sweat, and tears to make impeachment happen -- in fact we’ve already gathered tens of thousands of petitions -- but this fight requires all hands on deck.

This is the time when your loved ones, coworkers, and church members need to take action in a way they never have before, and signing the Impeach Walz petition is the most effective thing they can do right now!

So please, sign the petition to IMPEACH WALZ at once!

And if you’ve already signed, please send this petition to every person you can! This fight requires pulling all the stops.

You see, after nearly a full year of lockdowns the state is starting to turn against Walz.

Jane and Larvita are two notable examples of patriot who stood up to Walz. They’re keeping their businesses open and booming despite the governor’s illegal orders.

If Radical Attorney General Keith Ellison had it his way, both employers would be locked up forever.

In fact… he’s trying his best to throw them in jail now!

But, Jane and Larvita are fighting tooth and nail in court just to keep their legal businesses open.

Gov. Walz and his cronies demand your compliance, even when it violates the science, and they refuse to give up their hold on power.

Walz must be impeached and booted form office NOW before he causes any more damage.

So please, step up and sign the petition to IMPEACH WALZ at once, then forward it to everyone you know!

And if you’ve already signed please help us get build the pressure in every corner of Minnesota by pitching in $100 or $50 to fund our statewide impeachment effort.

Friends, nobody was willing to step up and fight Walz before, but thanks to liberty-lovers like yourselves the tide is shifting.

Just this November, voters gave the boot to radical liberals across the state, like one of the worst-offending liberals we’ve told you all about in past messages -- Brad Tabke.

Today, Brave patriot business-owners Larvita and Jane are taking a stand against the tyrannical and illegal orders coming from our own elected officials -- even at the risk of prison time.

And in just days, liberty champion Rep-Elect Erik Mortensen will take the oath of office, fill his seat in the state house, and roll out the articles of impeachment against Governor Walz.

Impeachment WILL be passed if the patriots of Minnesota are behind it.

So please, sign the petition to IMPEACH WALZ at once, then forward it to every conservative you know!

And if you’ve already signed and sent this petition to every patriot on your contact list, then please pitch in $100 or $50 to fund our statewide impeachment effort.

Think about all the harm to come to Minnesotans if we do not get this done.

Walz and his liberal friends in the legislature have been very excited to pass exponential new taxes and spending.

After he has caused all the destruction he can, he’ll cover up his tracks with government handouts.

Don’t let it happen.

If you are as enthusiastic about stopping Walz as I am, be sure to sign our petition, and consider a generous donation to help our efforts come to fruition.

Sign the petition to IMPEACH WALZ NOW

Donate $20.21 >>>
Donate $50 >>>
Donate $100 >>>
Donate $250 >>>
Donate $500 >>>
Donate $1,000 >>>

Thank you for keeping us on the front lines in this fight.
We won’t let you down.

For Freedom,

Bill Paulsen

Speaker Hortman: No End To Walz Power. How Will You Respond?

Gov. Tim Walz (left) and Melissa Hortman, speaker of the Minnesota House of Representatives, react to a pitch from Katelyn France, one of five startup entrepreneurs to explain their concepts and their needs in “Shark Tank” style event at the Natural Resources Research Institute in Hermantown on Wednesday. Clint Austin /

For many months now, North Star Liberty Alliance’s grassroots army has been working hard to end Walz emergency powers, which he has used to unilaterally run small businesses into the ground. 


Those who are eager to defend Walz will say that this is for the safety of all Minnesotans. The reality is, harsh lockdowns will cause MORE damage than this pandemic ever could. Suicide rates and drug usage are through the roof, and small business owners are struggling to feed their families. Governor Walz says that “we are all in this together” from the lofty Governor’s Mansion, collecting a regular paycheck from taxpayers. 


Legislators in St. Paul are starting to find their backbones, and vote against renewing his powers every month. Even left-leaning legislators are turning against Walz, like State Representative Rob Ecklund. Unfortunately, these votes are not enough to make it past the liberal majority in the state house.  Of course, Walz’ best friend in the house, Speaker Melissa Hortman is trying her best to prevent a public embarrassment for him. Hortman is angling that she will kill the efforts to End Walz' Emergency Powers with procedural votes as mentioned in this article HERE.


Right now, Walz' powers come down to just 4 legislators. North Star Liberty Alliance believes that these representatives can flip their votes. Rob Ecklund has already voted to end Walz' powers once! Make sure he does it again. Contact these legislators, and let them know what is on your mind.


Rep Paul Marquart - 701-371-1949 - [email protected]
Rep Julie Sandstede - 218-969-7009 - [email protected]
Rep Dave Lislegard - 218-343-7965 - [email protected]
Rep Rob Ecklund - 218-341-6133 - [email protected]


The St. Paul swamp is alive and well, and will do anything it can to maintain its power. Walz won’t give up his powers voluntarily, so the people of Minnesota must make their voices heard.


After you call those 4 vulnerable legislators, use the link above to find out who represents YOU in the state house and state senate. Call them, and ask them to vote to rescind Walz’ powers and vote to impeach him for his misconduct in office. 


The North Star Liberty Alliance is ready to keep pulling our weight in the impeachment fight, as long as we know the people of Minnesota are behind us.


Do not let elites like Hortman or Walz determine the direction of this fight.


Please, Sign our Petition to IMPEACH WALZ


After you sign, send the petition to your friends and family. We need all hands on deck in this fight, and legislators need to see that you truly care about this issue. 


This is more than just talk. WCCO wrote about our efforts to impeach Walz, which you can read about here


We are ready to make thousands of phone calls, send out thousands of mailers, and launch an aggressive online ad campaign. All to inform voters like you, and pressure legislators to vote to impeach Walz. 


If you support our efforts, please make sure to share the petition. Also consider a generous donation to ensure our efforts are effective. 


Every bit counts, make a donation here. 


Rep-Elect Erik Mortensen is already on our side, now we have to make sure his fellow legislators are too.


We’ll see you on the front lines. 

More Walz-Ellison Unjust Attacks On Business Owners

Have you heard of Joe Bushaw? He’s a 19 year old who opened a restaurant - appropriately named Joe’s Diner - in East Grand Forks. Joe WAS living the American Dream, before big government stepped in.

More specifically, before Governor Tim Walz and Attorney General Keith Ellison shut Joe down and threatened his livelihood. Since Walz adopted his own “emergency” powers last year, he has single handedly let businesses slip into poverty left and right. Walz’ orders keeping indoor dining rooms closed has NOT been supported by the experts, and is likely to cause more damage than it is worth.  

Like many other patriots around the state, Joe decided that if he took the proper safety precautions, he would reopen his indoor dining room to the public -- just in time for the Christmas season. Joe quickly met Walz’ heavy handed friends and was shut down by the state.

Joe’s Diner in East Grand Forks is just minutes away from the North Dakota border, where bars and restaurants are free to serve guests indoors. Why is it fair for Walz to shut down Joe’s restaurant, when his would-be customers can go and spend money in North Dakota instead?

Jane Moss of Boardwalk Bar and Grill is in the same situation as Joe. Her bar also serves the people of East Grand Forks, and has been shut down by the state in a similar fashion. You can read more about Jane and the other patriots around the state by clicking here

Why should Walz and Ellison continue to collect their full paychecks while bar and restaurant owners slip into debt? Rep-Elect Erik Mortensen has pledged to introduce legislation that would rescind the Governor’s pay in times of self-proclaimed emergencies

Mortensen has also pledged to introduce articles of impeachment against Tim Walz’ tyranny. The North Star Liberty Alliance is ready to back up his efforts with an enormous statewide ad campaign. Do you have our backs? Show your support by signing our petition, and sending it to your friends and family. Then leave a generous donation, to ensure our efforts come to fruition. 

Sign the Petition to Impeach Walz NOW!

Walz & Democrats To Push For Tax Raises To Pay For Shutdowns

Rep Moran with the newly created "Select Committee on Racial Justice"

Radical left-wing legislators in St. Paul are ready to spend YOUR money on Tuesday. As the regular legislative session begins this week, legislators are bringing out their big dollar wish lists.

Most notable in their big budget asks, is $1 BILLION going towards racial reconciliation.

Based on the items listed in their budget proposal, “racial reconciliation” appears to be a trojan horse for big government socialist programs.

Among the items listed are:

- Free Housing
- MORE Government Handouts
- Grants for “Cultural malls, corridors, destinations, districts”
- “Tuition Free” Community College
- MANDATED Community Resource Allocation

Don’t believe me? Read the draft and see for yourself.

This HUGE step towards socialism in Minnesota is the left's attempt to make up for Governor Walz’ and Mayor Frey’s horrible mismanagement of the Minneapolis riots early this summer and the job-killing lockdowns.

How will Walz and Democrats pay for this huge budget proposal? Since the State Constitution mandates that legislators balance the budget, tax increases are inevitable.

It gets worse.

Some legislators are already using the shutdowns as an excuse to raise the gas tax, something that North Star Liberty Alliance members helped defeat in the 2019 session.

Because of decreased traffic, there is a BIPARTISAN discussion about how to make up for that revenue through increased taxes, rather than decreased spending.

There are some who are comforted by the fact that there is a “conservative” majority in the state senate.

What has the senate majority actually done to stop the radical leftist agenda?

This is the same senate that rubber-stamped Governor Walz’ political bribes last month. Their answer to Tyrant Tim’s illegal shutdowns is to use our own money to pay off small business owners. This “stimulus” payoff is a tiny fraction of the funds needed to keep their businesses afloat.

Remember when so called "fiscal conservatives" compromised on renewing the provider tax in 2019? How do we know that they won't compromise again on new taxes to cover all this new spending?

Will the left get every item on their wish list this year? Or will legislators grow a backbone and stand up to tyrants and big spending?

Your North Star Liberty Alliance is ready to take on bad legislators in St. Paul, and expose them for who they really are. 

Support our efforts to inform voters about big government waste, and tyrannical rules coming from Walz’ office by giving a generous donation before the legislative session begins. With your help, out of control politicians can be held accountable.

Legislature to Convene Jan. 5th, Here's What Should Happen

Though it feels like they never even took a break -- Thanks to Walz’ seven consecutive special sessions -- the legislature will be returning to session this coming Tuesday. 

In order to have a “good session”, the legislature should prioritize the following items:


  • End Walz’ “Emergency” Powers

"Tyrant" Tim Walz has used the COVID-19 pandemic as an excuse to enact illegal and far-reaching executive orders that he has used to shut down our small business economy in the name of “safety”. Thanks to these orders, many restaurants and bars will close their doors forever.

Though similar executive orders in other states such as Wisconsin have been struck down by the courts, it appears the Minnesota Legislature alone has the power to revoke Walz’ powers. 


  • Impeach Walz

For much of 2020, Walz has been using his executive powers to unilaterally write laws without consent of the legislature. Executive Orders have traditionally been used to rename a park or create a state holiday; but Walz has taken it to a new level. These orders are threatening the very livelihoods of Minnesotan small business owners, and are backed up with limited data that members of the legislature currently dispute

Members of state legislatures in Michigan and Ohio have stood up and submitted articles of impeachment against their Governors, and Minnesota will soon join them. Rep-Elect Erik Mortensen has pledged to introduce articles of impeachment against Governor Walz. Before he does, he needs to know that he has support from his fellow legislators and the people of Minnesota.

North Star Liberty Alliance is on the verge of launching a statewide campaign to inform voters, and pressure legislators to impeach Governor Walz. 

But we CANNOT do it without your help. 

Sign our petition to Impeach Walz, and show Rep-Elect Mortensen that the people of Minnesota have his back in this fight. 


  • No Tax Hikes

Tim Walz campaigned on raising the gas tax, something he has been fighting tooth and nail for. Even the left-leaning StarTribune admits that his proposal would hurt lower-income citizens the worst. North Star Liberty Alliance members were key to pressure the legislature to not raise the Gas Tax stopping them in their tracks. Though NSLA helped stall his efforts in previous sessions, there is no reason to believe he won’t try again in 2021. 


  • No Spending Increases

If there is anything both parties in St Paul can agree on, it is spending increases. The only disagreement is on what they should spend the money on. The left has signaled that they will be pushing for more than $1 Billion in racial reconciliation programs, while the right will likely compromise to slow spending increases, rather than stop them all together. 

With all the uncertainty surrounding our state budget, now is the time to be frugal with our taxpayer dollars. 


Take Action

Knowing the current makeup of St Paul, there will likely be bipartisan opposition to all of these proposals.

If you want to see our list become a reality, the best thing you can do is to contact your State Representative and State Senator to tell them you’ve had enough of the status quo.

Use the link above to find out who represents you. After you call AND email your State Rep and State Senator, be sure to send this article to your friends and family. Then, sign our petition supporting the impeachment of “Tyrant” Tim Walz.

After a year in which our civil liberties were under attack, 2021 has the potential to be the year that we take back our freedoms and leave bureaucrats like Walz behind.

Rules For Thee, But Not For Me

Minnesota Governor Tim Walz is refusing to let up on his illegal lockdown of Minnesota’s economy. Walz’ most ardent defenders praise him for “protecting” the people of Minnesota through his executive orders that forbid restaurants and bars from keeping their doors open.


Job-killing regulations like these have led to thousands of businesses closing their doors for good nationwide. While countless numbers of business owners in Minnesota will go without their pay, Governor Walz and legislators will continue to cash their paychecks without a care in the world. 


A group of left-wing senators-elect have announced that they will hold an in-person swearing-in ceremony this coming Tuesday -- in violation of the COVID-19 guidelines they so vehemently support. 


Though Senator-Elect Omar Fateh announces that his ceremony will be outdoors and socially-distanced, the gathering will include individuals from more than three households -- In violation of Tyrant Tim’s most recent executive order.


Perhaps the group will consider holding their ceremony in a big-box store like Walmart or Target, who have seemingly been un-touched by Walz’ orders. 

Luckily, Minnesota small business owners still have a dog in this fight. 


Representative-Elect Erik Mortensen is ready to put the pressure on Governor Walz and suspend his pay until he gives up these harsh lockdowns. Mortensen has also pledged to introduce articles of impeachment against Walz. 


Show Mortensen and his fellow legislators that the people of Minnesota are behind his efforts! Sign the Petition to Impeach Walz NOW!


After you sign, please send this petition to your family and friends. The North Star Liberty Alliance is on the verge of pushing a statewide effort to pressure legislators to impeach Walz. Your Alliance needs both the support and the funds to make this happen. 


If you’re able, send over a generous donation to our grassroots effort, and help us free the Minnesotan economy once and for all!

Stop the Tyranny, Impeach Walz

“Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God! I know not what course others may take; but as for me, give me liberty or give me death!”  ~Patrick Henry


As for our liberties, today’s battle has only just begun. 

Will you join the fight? 

Governor Tim “The Tyrant” Walz and radical Attorney General Keith Ellison have weaponized the government against its own citizens! 

Small business owners -- the backbone of our economy -- are being prevented from earning their livelihoods, thanks to heavy-handed government regulations barring their doors shut. .

Brave patriots like Larvita and Jane have taken a stand against the tyrannical and illegal orders coming from our own elected officials. 

Now, Walz and Ellison are threatening these brave business owners with jail time!

But Larvita and Jane refuse to budge, and the battle is coming to a head.

You see, businesses standing up to these orders is not enough. The tyrant Governor who is threatening these peaceful patriots with prison time must be booted from office.

We must insist that our legislators fulfill their constitutional obligation, and IMPEACH WALZ.

Demand that your legislators fulfill their duty by signing this petition to IMPEACH WALZ at once! 

After you sign, be sure to send this petition to your friends and family -- and leave a generous contribution so we can continue this fight and WIN. 

I am excited to say that your North Star Liberty Alliance (NSLA) is on the verge of an aggressive statewide push to pressure legislators to impeach and end the tyranny of Dictator Walz. 

But your Alliance CANNOT do it without your generous support. 

I need your support to help fuel NSLA’s immediate impeachment plans. Will you send an urgent donation of $20.21, $50, $100, $250, $500, $1,000 or even $2,000 today? Click here to give >>

Your tireless grassroots efforts have proven effective in the past, as recently as this campaign season. Thousands of calls, advertisements, and flyers were directed at legislators who neglect their duties.

Thanks to your support and donations, NSLA has:

  • Sent out over 28,000 pieces of mail
  • Made over 21,000 calls, and reached tens of thousands of voters prior to election day
  • Brought on 3,499 digital grassroots activists

In total, we were able to inform more than 400,000 voters about these negligent policy-makers. 

These spineless legislators have rubber-stamped Tyrant Tim’s extended unconstitutional orders instead of representing the people. 

With pressure from our grassroots army, legislators like Rob Ecklund FINALLY flipped his vote to END these powers. Thanks to you, Walz is losing support from his strongest defenders in the legislature.

And ahead of the big election this year, your Alliance dug up the worst of the liberal’s records and ensured the voters knew exactly how far-left some of these legislators had gone.

When these far-left radicals could no longer hide behind the ‘moderate’ label voters marched them out of office.

5 of the most radical liberals were given the boot, and Minnesota also earned the conservative champion it needs. 

Fully-informed on his principled conservative pledges by your Alliance, voters ushered Rep-Elect Erik Mortensen into the MN House to lead the charge to stop Walz. 

Mortensen is ready to impeach Walz. Your Alliance is ready to push his fellow legislators to join him. 

The legislature will be meeting very soon. We are close to having the votes we need to end Walz’ powers. 

Tell your legislators that their voters have HAD IT with Governor Walz by SIGNING THIS PETITION. 

As the new year approaches, many of us are ready to leave 2020 behind. With your help, we can leave Governor Walz behind, too.

I cannot stress enough that your contribution is essential to our success in this effort. 

Keep your North Star Liberty Alliance on the front lines in this battle against Walz’ illegal, job-killing lockdowns. 

With your help, we can be done with these tyrannical lockdowns.

Let's have a better 2021 together. 


In Liberty,

Bill Paulsen


2020 Rundown and What's ahead


As this year draws to a close, I wanted to share two things.


First, from my household to yours, thank you for all that you’ve done this year. I hope you and your family enjoy a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.


Second, the hard work and generous contributions that you and thousands of other Minnesotans have invested in protecting our liberty this year has reaped dividends.


As you know, your Alliance has been at the frontlines of the hottest fights this year.


From holding back the tide of Socialism during the January legislative session, to fighting Walz’ lockdowns tooth and nail, rallying patriots and legislators to impeach Gov. ‘Tyrant’ Tim Walz, and our vital effort to expose the liberal’s atrocious record to voting Minnesotans, we’ve won battles and mobilized liberty loving patriots.


Here is just a quick recap of your Alliance’s work this year:


North Star Liberty Alliance (NSLA) deployed over 28,000 pieces of mail to stop anti liberty legislation in its tracks and expose anti liberty candidates' horrible records during our voter information campaign

Over 21,000 calls were dialed, tens of thousands of voters were contacted, and the results became clear to St. Paul’s policy and in the voice Minnesotans raised across the state.

5 Liberals were booted from their seats in the House of Representatives during the General election. 

Your alliance was exposing the records of liberals in key Minnesota districts and apparently the voters of Minnesota did not approve.

Online, NSLA  has been aggressive in expanding our digital reach, and this year NSLA efforts with 61,691 pairs of eyes each week on average. That’s 3,200,000 for the year.

The ranks of our online grassroots army swelled adding exactly 3,499 new activists


These are successes worth celebrating!


But our work isn’t over yet.


Walz Impeachment Update


The Walz impeachment must move forward in January, and I’m sure you’ve already heard the good news. Newly-elected representative Erik Mortensen declared he’s filing impeachment papers against Walz once he’s given his oath of office and taken his seat in St. Paul.


North Star insiders report more conservative representatives will join the play to boot Walz from the governorship once and for all, but they’ll need all the ammunition they can get their hands on.


I am planning a full-scale mobilization to push the Walz impeachment and finally end these economy-crushing lockdowns. At the break of the new year, your Alliance is pulling all the stops to get this done.


But this effort will take tremendous resources.


And coming hot on the heels of our extensive fights to combat Walz’ lockdowns and expose liberals’ records leading up to the November election, we’re in dire need of emergency funds.


Your Alliance must raise an additional $18,000 to support our immediate needs to fund an all-out push to Impeach Walz.


I am looking for your support to help fuel our immediate impeachment plans. Can you please send an urgent donation of $20.20, $50, $100, $250, $500, $1,000 or even $2,000 today? Click here to give!


Please end the year by pitching in your most generous gift. I would not ask for this amount unless I knew we already had the plans to put it to good use. And on the eve of a fight of this magnitude, your efforts will truly make an impact. So please pitch in your most generous gift to fund the Walz impeachment effort right away


Can you please send an urgent donation of $20.20, $50, $100, $250, $500, $1,000 or even $2,000 today? Click here to give!


Every last bit helps, and we must start the New Year strong to make this fight a success.


For Freedom,

Bill Paulsen

Republicans Protect Walz With Political Bribes

I was talking to a coworker today, and they had a great analogy for today's events at the legislature. It’s like an old-school robbery in the movies. A shady character emerges from the shadows, takes an innocent’s wallet, then forces them to the ground. In this situation, that same thief offers back a few loose quarters and acts like everything is fair.


That’s exactly what happened today.


Instead of ending Walz’ illegal emergency powers and ending the ban on indoor dining, the legislature passed $216 Million worth of political bribes small businesses to keep them shuttered. This will only make up for 3-4% of the losses created by “Tyrant” Tim Walz.


YOUR tax dollars are paying for the damage caused by Walz’ lockdown. The Republican Senate had the power to stop Walz dead in his tracks, and refuse to take the Political Bribes bill. Instead, they played the Governor’s game and passed the bill for him to sign. 


If you talk to these spineless Republicans, they’ll say that this is the only way to deliver aid to struggling businesses - and they’re absolutely wrong. The BEST way to help struggling businesses in Minnesota is to let them open their doors to their communities who want to support them. 


It is difficult to even understand the logic behind some of the Governor’s orders. Tracy Standal owns and operates a dance studio in Shakopee. After her and 156 dance studios statewide compiled the data, they discovered that COVID has a .001% incidence within their combined walls (check out Tracy’s letter in the Shakopee Valley News). Governor Walz never asked anyone in her industry for their available data, and yet none of them are allowed to operate. 


Why did Senate Republicans let Governor Walz rob these small businesses out of their livelihoods? Why did they give a rubber stamp for his bribe using your money?