Governor Walz Silent On Hundreds of MN Guardsmen To Be Discharged
Governor Walz has never hesitated to use his 24 years in the Army National Guard to score cheap political points. Because of his experience, many would believe that Walz would stand up for his fellow soldiers if they were ever put in harm's way.
Unfortunately, Walz is choosing to defend covid-19 vaccines over the brave men and women in the Minnesota National Guard. As the Department of Defense vaccination deadline looms, it is reported that nearly 600 soldiers and airmen will be discharged due to their refusal to get the covid-19 vaccine.
This is not the first time that Walz has been accused of choosing politics over his brothers-in-arms. It is, however, a reflection of just how heartless he truly is.
Governor Walz could have used his ties with the Biden administration to defend these soldiers and airmen on the brink of discharge. The very least he could do is publicly condemn the vaccine mandate, and stand with the men he previously served with.
Instead, he ignores the issue. With the November election right around the corner, perhaps he hopes that memories of his tyrannical edicts from 2020 and 2021 will disappear. Don’t let him get away with it.
Walz Admin Takes Down Tattle-Tale Hotline
Nobody can forget the onset of the stay-at-home orders and lockdowns in March of 2020. Despite the majority of the world moving on from fear of the pandemic, many politicians still cling to their newly gained power.
Governor Walz took on unprecedented power when he declared himself king in 2020. He usurped the legislature and created his own laws. Thankfully, it appears the Department of Public Safety’s tattle-tale hotline has finally been taken down.
In March of 2020, Governor Walz created this hotline so that nosey neighbors can snitch on anyone who violated Walz’ stay-at-home order. In simple terms, Walz wanted to turn neighbor against neighbor.
Last Thursday, Over two years after its creation, Lt Governor candidate Matt Birk posted a video on his twitter account that demonstrates the hotline was still fully functional. You can watch his video here.
Just three days later, the hotline was unavailable for use. Birk bringing attention to the issue seems to have forced Walz to hide his mistake before it becomes a talking point against him.
Unfortunately for Walz, the people of Minnesota will never forget what he did. After locking us in our homes, closing our churches, businesses, and schools, he is campaigning for re-election on the message of creating “One Minnesota”.
This tattle-tale hotline was used to report the heroic Lisa Hanson, who opened her bistro in Albert Lea in defiance of Governor Walz' executive orders. If they can lock up a grandmother for trying to earn a livelihood, they can lock up anyone. Do not think they won't hesitate to do it again.
Don’t let your friends and neighbors forget how a sitting Governor became a tyrant. For if we forget our history, we are doomed to repeat it. If you agree, then consider signing the petition to Impeach Walz!
HALFWAY THERE; Walz Proposes Returning Half of Surplus
Would you believe that Governor Walz has a better proposal for returning the surplus than Senate Republicans? It’s true! On Sunday morning, Walz appeared on WCCO-TV to announce that he is willing to return half of the surplus to taxpayers. That’s $1,000 per individual, and $2,000 per family.
Senate Republicans have been hesitant to return any surplus money, instead arguing for tax cuts. North Star Liberty Alliance has long argued that legislators ought to cut taxes AND return the surplus, as the current $9 Billion ($12 Billion if you include the budget reserve) has already been overtaxed from citizens.
Don’t read me wrong, Walz does not deserve praise for his proposal. This is his attempt to buy votes after seeing devastating poll numbers in his campaign for re-election. This proposal is also far from returning the entire budget surplus. However, this is still a step in the right direction. Pressure from activists like you have made returning the surplus a reality.
Now, you and I need to put more pressure on legislators. They must return every penny of your tax dollars. Give your state representative and state senator a call at the link below.
POLL: Minnesotans Unhappy With Walz/Biden
Minnesota voters expressed their frustration with democratic leadership in a poll released by MinnPost last week. While Governor Walz’ approval rating hovers around 50%, he is underwater on the issues most important to Minnesotans. President Biden has an even lower approval rating, which is reported to be 41%.
Nearly 60% of those polled believe Minnesota is on the wrong track, while nearly 80% believe that the United States as a whole is on the wrong track. These numbers should be startling for Democrats hoping to ride the coat-tails of Biden and Walz.
Inflation and Gas Prices are among the two biggest topics on everyone’s minds, both issues that left-wingers are trying to avoid talking about.
The Federal Government is now in the most debt that it has ever taken on, printing trillions upon trillions of dollars out of thin air. As most economists will tell you, this will lead to large-scale inflation. Meanwhile, Walz and his gang of legislative pals are pushing for energy initiatives aimed at climate change, which are likely to take a toll on oil production and sales.
Instead of talking about these issues, Biden and Walz would rather talk about abortion and gun control. They could not be more out of touch! These issues will not save them from accountability in November, as these poll results show.
The only question remaining is: At what point are Biden and Walz forced to admit their tactics are wrong? Only time will tell.
MN Republican Rep Garofalo Floats Gun Control
Most voters typically associate the Republican party with being the party of conservatives. Fortunately for big government leftists, this is not the case.
Minnesota is a breeding ground for moderate politicians who allow the slow but steady chipping away of our civil liberties. Look no further than career politician and Minnesota State Representative Pat Garofalo.
Spending nearly two decades in the Minnesota legislature, Garofalo has built a track record as a Republican eager to compromise. On Thursday, he teased his support for new gun control proposals via Twitter.
Garofalo tweeted that “...requiring someone to be 21 years of age to purchase a semi auto rifle seems like something we could do in MN.” Then offering up a Twitter poll for his followers.
His support for new gun control measures come as a national conversation is forming surrounding gun control pushes from the left. Instead of holding his ground, Garofalo is giving in.
Does Representative Garofalo believe it fair that 18-year-olds can be drafted to fight and die for the United States but be restricted in their ability to purchase a firearm? Does he think it makes sense for an 18-year-old to vote but then be turned away when looking to invoke his second amendment right to keep and bear arms?
He ends his tweet with “ wouldn’t be that big of a deal”—shame on him. Garofalo publicly toys with the idea to make it seem like he is being fair to both sides. This action alone is a betrayal of the trust of his conservative constituents.
Contact Representative Garofalo by clicking here. Or, respond to his tweet on Twitter here.
MN Public School Enrollment Plummets
Astronomically high disenrollment rates from Minnesota Public Schools have leftists scratching their heads. In their eyes, their strike against “capitalism and the patriarchy” (as put by a Minneapolis Union Leader), should have brought children disaffected by the pandemic back into public schools, not draw them away.
Axios reported on Monday that public school enrollment in Minnesota has dropped 2.5% since the beginning of the covid-19 lockdowns, with Minneapolis Public Schools being hit hardest with an incredible 15% decline in enrollment.
Where are these children going? Surveys show that parents are either moving their kids over to private schools, or instead opting to homeschool. You can’t blame them.
Both students and parents were completely blindsided by the onset of the lockdowns in 2020 and 2021. After students were finally allowed back into the classroom, they were forced to wear face masks. That, with the controversial agenda being pushed by many educators rightfully leads to a lower enrollment rate.
This is not to cheer the downfall of public schools, but the fatally flawed practices put forth by these schools and unions. If they were smart, they would take this as an opportunity to change course. As you and I know, however, leftists are stubborn.
Parents deserve a choice in how their children are educated. Since the public schools are failing, they deserve some proper competition to inspire innovation. Thankfully, it looks like private schools and homeschooling co-ops are emerging as solid alternatives.
Minnesota Dems Prepared To Campaign Against Your 2nd Amendment Rights
It’s no secret that the Minnesota DFL wants to take your firearms. In the wake of recent politicized mass shootings, left-wing politicians are ready to make moves to take your guns… by wearing orange and designating a “Gun Violence Awareness” Day.
That’s right, the left-wing DFL has near total control of the state of Minnesota, yet demands that action is needed. Of course, it’s not clear who they are asking to take action, as they are the ones elected to lawmaking positions. This is good for Liberty-Lovers for now, as this action has no real consequences.
Secretary of State Steve Simon (pictured left), Lt. Governor Peggy Flanagan (pictured center), and Congressman Dean Phillips (pictured right) all posted pictures wearing orange to social media on Friday. Orange has recently been claimed by left-wingers as the color of gun-grabbing. Despite their appearance, they are not totally incompetent.
In fact, these politicians are using tragedies like that in Uvalde, Texas to fuel their re-election campaigns. With skyrocketing inflation, soaring gas prices, and a President that doesn’t know what he’s doing – it seems like the DFL just found one of the few issues that they want to campaign for. Governor Walz put the cherry on top of this charade by proclaiming June 3rd as "Gun Violence Awareness" Day.
Since the Minnesota Legislature is out of session, it appears that your firearms are safe – at least at a state level. However, Do-Nothing-Dean’s friends in Congress have their own wacky gun control proposals that they are preparing to campaign on. For example, one politician has proposed a 1,000% tax on firearm sales – Yikes!
Though the politicians from Minnesota look and act rather silly, there is a very real possibility that your Second Amendment Rights will be severely restricted. Contact your legislators (at every level!) and tell them that their shenanigans will not win them any favors from Minnesotans.
Ramsey County Judge Prohibits Vaccine Mandate For Public Sector Unions
Now that the general public has become fatigued with pandemic fear-mongering, lawmakers and Judges are forced to admit that their actions were over-the-top and extreme. A great example comes as a Ramsey County Judge overturns St. Paul’s vaccine mandate for public sector unions.
In a lawsuit was filed on behalf of unions such as St. Paul Police and St. Paul Firefighters last year, it was argued that this vaccine mandate was an unfair labor practice. Of course, this did not get resolved until this past Thursday – almost a year after vaccine mandates became commonplace.
At this point, workers have either been forced out of their jobs, or forced to take a vaccine they did not want.
According to the Pioneer Press, Judge Leonardo Castro stated in part, that:
“The City was faced with the height of a pandemic and based its actions upon what it believed to be in the best interest of the health and safety of its employees and the public…”
In other words, this mandate was always immoral and unethical; but for the sake of “safety”, the law must be overlooked. Ridiculous!
This is why North Star Liberty Alliance sought out to Stop Vaccine Passports and Mandates in Minnesota. It puts too many good people in a place between standing with their morals, and standing with their livelihoods.
The legislature must take a stand against these kinds of mandates. Though the legislative session is over, your elected officials will still hear your concerns. Let them know what their priorities should be in the 2023 session!
Jensen Promises To Eliminate Gas Tax
North Star Liberty Alliance has been on the frontlines against every tyrannical edict coming from Tyrant Tim Walz. Back in 2019, our team fought tooth and nail against his 20 cent gas tax increase.
Governor Walz branded his increase proposal as a “debt service fee”, in a foolish attempt to make the issue less toxic. Less than three years later, the state has a record tax surplus of $12 BILLION! Imagine if Walz had gotten his tax increase through the legislature!
Thanks to activist’s work in putting pressure on legislators, Walz’ proposal was dead-on-arrival. It was a defensive battle, and now you and I have the chance to go on offense.
Despite previous attempts to lower Minnesota's gas tax, nobody has seriously proposed a gas tax elimination bill. The closest thing was Representative Mekeland's 2019 bill which merely tinkered with the tax. Thankfully, it seems like those with more serious tax elimination proposals are stepping up.
It appears that the North Star Liberty Alliance messaging has impacted several Republican candidates for office, including GOP Endorsed candidate for Governor, Scott Jensen.
Despite his atrocious record in the Minnesota Senate, Scott Jensen has adopted a lot of the right talking points in his bid for Minnesota Governor. Among these is his most recent promise to eliminate the 28.5 cent-per-gallon tax on gasoline.
Jensen announced his plan to eliminate the gas tax last week via his website.
This is a big deal. With the average gas price souring to $4.24 in Minnesota, this needed tax relief is long overdue. A handful of legislators pushed to (temporarily) eliminate this tax in the 2022 legislative session, but found little support for the effort.
Now is the time for the Grassroots Liberty Army in Minnesota to take action and hold their politicians accountable. When North Star Liberty Alliance set its sights on Walz’ gas tax increase in 2019, Liberty Lovers followed. Now, you and I have the opportunity to eliminate one of the most burdensome taxes in the state.
If Scott Jensen is elected Governor, you better believe North Star Liberty Alliance will hold him accountable to his promises. In the meantime, you can put pressure on legislators to eliminate this tax outright.
Politicians to Meet in Special Session to Spend Remaining Surplus
Like clockwork, the politicians had to give in to pressure from grassroots activists like you. After Senate Majority Leader Jeremy Miller announced a spending deal with Governor Walz and House Democrats, it appeared that the surplus was as good as gone. Thankfully, many legislators broke ranks with their leadership and decided to not support the “bipartisan” deal.
This deal was no good, for it would spend billions of overtaxed income on programs like education and healthcare – both of which are already well funded. When the details of this deal were made public, grassroots activists made their voices heard.
Because some legislators backed out of the deal, no extra surplus spending was made before the legislature adjourned on Sunday night. Sadly, it appears that there may be a new opportunity to spend the surplus in the coming weeks.
Governor Walz announced on Thursday that he is open to the possibility of calling a special session so that legislators can spend the surplus. He noted that a hypothetical special session would not begin until after Memorial Day – the day before the deadline to run for state office closes.
It’s not hard to see what’s happening here. Politicians are perfectly happy with spending your overtaxed income (estimated to be $12 billion before legislators got their hands on it). However, if they are to spend every last penny, they would prefer to do so without the chance of getting a challenger in their party’s primary.
Politicians are vulnerable when the primary deadline is open, because if they vote the wrong way – someone may file to run against them! If there is anything that these politicians care about, it’s keeping their elected office.
Reach out to your legislators here, and tell them to fight against surplus spending in the likely special session.