
Minnesota Deserves An Income Tax Holiday

Lawmakers in St. Paul have been scheming to spend your surplus money for months now. Even though Minnesota’s two year budget was passed in 2021, legislators are already looking to spend the $12 billion that you were overtaxed.


Leadership in both the House and the Senate have moved their own proposals, both of which either tinker with the tax code, or send out small dollar tax returns to people below a set level of income – regardless of whether or not they paid their taxes.


Sadly, nearly all legislators in both the House and the Senate plan to spend your surplus money instead of immediately refunding it to the people. However, there is one legislator who looks to do right by the people.


Representative Erik Mortensen introduced HF4642 in late March to give Minnesotans a complete and total income tax holiday, which they can choose to utilize in the form of a tax refund for their 2021 taxes, or simply skip filing taxes for 2022. 


The $12 billion has already been overtaxed. While tax cuts are great to ensure future overtaxation is limited, it does not address the surplus money already collected by the state. Mortensen’s bill addresses this problem head on.


And with rampant inflation, a break in taxes now will mean more for this year’s tax period than it will in a year from now. Money in the taxpayer’s pocket now may be worth much less come tax season next year. 


Minnesota should outright eliminate the state income tax. Every year, the state loses residents to tax friendlier states like Florida and South Dakota. Until that can happen, this proposal is the next best shot at keeping Minnesotans in state. 


The legislation currently has no co-sponsors, nor a senate counterpart. If you’d like to see your tax dollars returned, then contact your legislators and tell them to get on board with HF4642.



Jim Newberger Admits To Voting For Omnibus Bills; Brags About Dangerous ID Bill

Do you remember Jim Newberger? A former state legislator from the old house district 15B?


You may remember him for his failed run for United States Senate against Amy Klobuchar, or even his recent failed attempt to become chairman of the MN GOP. But did you know about his carpetbagging campaign into SD 10?


That’s right, Jim Newberger is moving north to run for an open state senate seat. After the SD 10 endorsing convention recessed before an endorsement was made on April 1st, all candidates began to sling mud at one another.


Now, Newberger is forced to reconcile for his record in the Minnesota House. His record for voting for big budget omnibus bills and bigger government is coming back to haunt him.


In a surprising move, he admitted that he voted for these things in a recent campaign email – and even tries to double down on his votes. 


Here are the votes that Jim Newberger is advertising to voters:


  • Jim Newberger voted FOR big budget omnibus bills, which are against the MN Constitution’s “Single Subject” provision. 
  • Jim Newberger voted FOR Dangerous ID when he voted for HF 3 in 2017. Dangerous ID allows the Federal Government to create a nationwide database of its citizens, which it could use to implement nightmares like a nationwide Vaccine Passport.

It would be one thing if he owned up to his mistakes. Sadly, he emails voters by doubling down on his votes.


After attempting to justify his votes for omnibus bills, Neweberger ends the email with the message:


“Do I like omnibus bills. No.

             Do we need to reform government to get rid of them?  Absolutely.”


Why would voters ever trust Jim Newberger to end the practice of unconstitutional omnibus bills when he defends his votes for them?


Neweberger is running against candidates who live in the district, Former Mille Lacs County Sheriff Brent C. Lindgren and political outsider and community activist Nathan Wesenberg. 

Mask Mandates Return in Pennsylvania; Is Minnesota Next?

Surely everyone is done with masks now, right?




After two years of lockdowns, mandates, and changing guidance from the CDC, many had come to believe that the COVID-19 hysteria was behind us. Sadly, it appears that politicians are gearing up for another “wave” of omicron B.A 2 cases.


The City of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania announced on Monday that they would be reimposing their indoor mask mandate. If cases continue to rise, they will also revive their discriminatory Vaccine Passport program.


Leftist Democrats who run the city will be in for a rude awakening come November if they keep up this hysteria. Some Democrats are actually looking to get ahead of this mess by denouncing the mandate – including PA Gubernatorial Candidate Josh Shapiro.


The Far-Left in Minnesota, however, does not seem to get the picture. They still insist on masking and demanding others to mask. DFLers like Kelly Morrison cannot seem to make up her mind on masks. Morrison represents a swing district in the Minnesota House.


Now a candidate for senate in SD 45, Morrison posted multiple pictures on Facebook from her endorsing convention both masked and maskless. If candidates like her want to have a shot at winning their suburban districts, they’ll need to come out against mask hysteria and mandatory vaccinations.



Will mask mandates make a return to Minnesota? Who knows. Leftists in the state legislature seem giddy about imposing their will upon others, so only time will tell.


Governor Tim Walz, however, maintains the ability to declare a new executive emergency and force all Minnesotans into masks at any point. With support from DFLers like Kelly Morrison, he may have support for his erratic behavior.


Have you signed the petition to impeach Tim Walz? It can be done this year, especially now that the courts are beginning to see the destruction of his actions



US Court Agrees With Impeachment Charge Of Walz

For years now, Minnesotans from nearly every walk of life have been trying to hold Governor Walz accountable for his far-reaching and unprecedented executive orders. This includes Articles of Impeachment against Walz, which were introduced in 2021.


With a single stroke of a pen, Walz affected untold millions of Minnesotans by shutting down businesses, churches, and schools. Since his initial lockdown orders, he has fended off nearly every lawsuit…


… That is, until now.


In a ruling that was published on April 5th, the US Court of Appeals reversed a lower court’s ruling that dismissed a case against Walz for his March 23rd, 2020 eviction moratorium (EO 20-14). 


The initial case filed on behalf of Heights Apartments claimed that Walz’ executive orders violated rights protected under the Contract Clause, First Amendment, Fifth  Amendment, and Fourteenth Amendment of the United States Constitution, and under Minnesota law.


By reversing the dismissal of this case, the Appeals Court states that they believe Heights Apartments has a case against Walz under the Contract Clause and Takings Clause. This is huge.


The Articles of Impeachment against Walz call out his eviction moratorium under Article IV, lines 5.1-5.10:


Governor Walz banned evictions (Executive Order No. 20-14, Executive Order No. 20-73 band Executive Order 20-79), injuring property owners by eliminating the ability to collect rents due, and by undermining the ability to maintain properties or benefit from the income the property owner would otherwise expect to receive from the property. The injuries amount to a taking of property without compensation, in violation of the United States Constitution and the Minnesota Constitution. By taking property, Timothy J. Walz violated Minnesota Statutes, section 12.34, subdivision 2, which provides that if property is commandeered during a state of emergency that "the owner of commandeered property must be promptly paid just compensation for its use and all damages done to the property while so used for emergency management purposes."


Governor Tim Walz must be impeached for his crimes in office. His actions have harmed countless Minnesotans, who are awaiting justice.


Tell your legislators to co-sponsor Articles of Impeachment. Then, sign the official impeachment petition!







Rep. Franson Slammed At Her Party Convention

North Star Liberty Alliance has obtained a letter slamming Rep. Mary Franson at her local party convention for her horrendous performance as a representative.


People are rightfully fed up with state representatives that refuse to listen to them and refuse to represent the will of the people.


On March 26th, the Douglas County Republicans held a convention consisting of delegates elected at precinct caucuses February 1st. Among other basic party business, delegates vote for those who represent the county at the congressional and state conventions.


Attendees to the convention will also push resolutions to amend the party platform to reflect what they want the party to stand for. They’ll also voice their concerns regarding candidates running for office.


At the convention, a delegate handed out a letter highlighting record of Rep. Mary Franson pictured below:


In this letter to convention attendees, Rep. Franson was called out for introducing legislation, but then refusing co-sponsorship to Liberty Champion Erik Mortensen. Clearly, she cares more about the politics of her proposal than actually getting it passed.


The letter also points out that Franson failed to co-sponsor the extremely popular Never Again bill that ends the governor's emergency powers forever. Not only that, she was also called out for REFUSING to co-author the resolution to Impeach Walz for his illegal abuse of executive power and unconstitutional mandates and lockdowns.


By the way, if you support the resolution to Impeach Walz, let your legislators know by signing our petition here.


Everyday Minnesotans have had enough of these weak RINOs and Radical Leftists that have destroyed their lives, businesses and future.


Liberty loving Minnesotans and telling legislators that they demand to be listened to. They demand to be represented. They demand to be heard. 


While Liberty-Lovers appeared to be somewhat merciful to Franson, other RINOs were not so lucky. Many of them have lost endorsements to Liberty-oriented candidates.


The open question on people’s minds is: how many of these RINOs are going to lose their seats until they start listening and representing their constituents? How many political careers are going to hit the gutter until these RINOs stand up and fight for liberty?

If you want legislators like Mary Franson to sign onto the Walz Impeachment resolution, sign the official petition here:



Gazelka Panders To Liberty Lovers; Fails

Politicians lie - a lot. 


We all know the age old joke: How do you know a politician is lying? Answer: Their lips are moving


Well, Career Politician Paul Gazelka is chief among them. The joker has climbed the political ladder as a career politician, now trying to reach the top by becoming governor.


So in a contentious race for the GOP endorsement for governor, Gazelka is now saying ANYTHING to get elected. 


Realizing that an enormous part of the Republican party is made of liberty lovers, he cuts some crazy disingenuous video about liberty. Check it out:



This clown has NEVER cared about liberty and presided over massive government growth that has been stealing our liberty for years. The state budget has ballooned more than 50% in just the last 10 years. He also led the charge for:



You see, Gazelka and his merry band of Career Politicians don't care about our liberty at all. Their actions DO NOT line up with protecting our liberty at all. 


But now it's an election year and he's running for office. You and I know these politicians will say and do anything to get elected.


He's seeing that the Republican Party is filled to the brim with liberty lovers and knows his only shot to win the Party endorsement is to act like he's some warlord for our liberties. He's a flunky at fighting for our liberties and constantly compromised our liberties to Leftist Democrats for years.


The questions are: Will we fall for it? Will people be duped by this political chameleon? 


Here at North Star Liberty Alliance we are not falling for it. And we know all of you who have been paying attention know what Gazelka is really about. 


Unfortunately some folks do not. So please, share this article far and wide to get the word out about Gazelka's bad political behavior.

Gazelka On Publicly Funded Abortions: ‘It gets funded. I can't stop it’

Establishment Republicans have lied to their voters for years. On March 15th, Former Senate Majority Leader finally told (part of) the truth. He admitted that Republicans vote for taxpayer funded abortions in Minnesota.


Better yet, it was caught on video.


At what appears to be a campaign event, Gazelka claims that Republicans are forced to vote for abortion because of a 1995 Minnesota Supreme Court Case called Doe v. Gomez. The funny thing is, the legislature alone carries the power to allocate tax dollars, NOT the courts. 


Paul Gazelka was the Majority Leader of the Minnesota Senate Republicans up until just a couple months ago, making him the most powerful Republican in Minnesota. Yet he claims that he is forced to vote in favor of taxpayer funded abortions.


Despite his cowardice, Gazelka wants a promotion to be Governor. 


He won’t dare put up a fight against taxpayer funded abortions, yet claims he is a “conservative fighter” best suited to be governor. What a joke.


Don’t take my word for it, watch the video below where you can hear him say:


"So in Minnesota in 1995, the courts ruled in Doe versus Gomez, that you must fund taxpayer funded abortions in Minnesota. So it gets funded. I can't stop it."




This is a classic politician. He parades around town that he's some warrior for Life, yet he absolutely refuses to vote against legislation that funds abortion.


Gazelka is standing on the sidelines while letting the Minnesota Supreme Court tell him how to do his job. Never mind the system of checks and balances he swore to protect!


Remember learning about checks and balances in 5th grade civics class? We know that the legislative branch makes the laws and appropriate monies -- not the judicial branch. He's abdicating his responsibility if he really believes this garbage. 


He acts as though there is not a big beautiful red button on his desk that would let him vote against abortion funding. If he is as Pro-Life as he claims, why wouldn’t he simply vote no?


But let's even pretend to live in this bizarre world for a moment. 


If the robed gangsters called Judges get to tell the legislature how to spend money and write laws, why do we even have a legislature? Why wouldn't we just skip this whole silly legislative stuff and have the courts tell us what to do and how to live?


The answer is because it's not true. Judges CANNOT tell the legislature what to do. In fact, the legislature has the power to IMPEACH these judges. 


Of course, Gazelka and his friends will never move to impeach these Judges or challenge their rulings. If they solved the problem, they would have nothing to campaign on!


Politicians care about one thing – elections. They will do and say anything to get elected. It’s just too bad that they don’t at least pretend to have principles. 

Report: Michelle Benson Took Money From Pfizer Lobbyist

Ever since the forced vaccination measures coming from tyrants like President Biden and Governor Walz, many conservatives have cried out for measures that block any kind of forced-inoculation. Republican legislators have picked up this messaging, but often fall short on action.


It seems like there are few candidates for Governor who have a proven record of standing against mandates – whether it be Republican, Democrat, Independent or otherwise. Gubernatorial candidate and state senator Michelle Benson will have a harder time making her case now that her donations from Pfizer have come to light.


According to the campaign of Dr. Neil Shah and Minnesota Campaign Finance Board records, Benson has accepted $750 from one James DeMay, who (according to Linkedin) is the director of State Government Relations at Pfizer. Below are images confirming the association. Benson took $500 for her senate campaign, and $250 for her gubernatorial campaign. 


Pfizer is responsible for developing one of the widely available COVID-19 vaccines. The pharmaceutical company also pours a decent amount of money into public policy advocacy, where they have previously shown support for stricter measures regarding covid.


Benson’s campaign report lists that DeMay is self-employed, while his Linkedin profile suggests that he is employed by Pfizer. Could Benson have intentionally hid his employment from public records?


Let me be clear in saying that if someone wants the COVID-19 vaccine, they have every right to take it. But when our politicians are being lobbied on behalf of large pharmaceutical companies, there are several questions that come to mind.


Check out this montage of Pfizer sponsored advertisements on mainstream programming



As chair of the Senate Health and Human Services committee, it makes sense that Pfizer would target Benson with campaign donations. It is sad to see that she actually took them. This lobbyist didn’t just fund Benson, but also the Walz campaign for governor:



This lack of transparency is disturbing. However, it should come as no surprise to anyone who pays attention. Career politicians come with a lot of baggage, and Benson is no exception. How can she be trusted to stand up against vaccine mandates when she accepts money from the vaccine manufacturers?

Gov. Candidate Gazelka Brags About Insurance Company Bailouts

As a politician, it is very common in conservative circles to call yourself a “fiscal conservative”. Sadly, few of these politicians actually live up to this title – and Senator Paul Gazelka falls far short of it.


On March 14th, the Minnesota Senate passed another five years of reinsurance – a program that funnels taxpayer dollars towards insurance companies in a mistaken attempt to lower costs. This socialist-lite program was heralded by Senator Gazelka when he said “...we must preserve [Minnesotans] ability to find affordable care”.


How much of your money is being wasted on this project? According to the bill passed by the senate, $1,087,366,000 of taxpayer dollars are being allocated for the purpose of bailing out insurance companies.


Senator Gazelka is one of a number of Republican candidates running for governor. While fellow gubernatorial candidate Senator Michelle Benson also voted for this garbage, at least she isn’t bragging about it.


Posted proudly on the Senate Republican Caucus’ website is Paul Gazelka championing this socialist program. This is just another of many reasons that Gazelka will not be a champion for taxpayer dollars as Governor. 


Call Senator Gazelka NOW and tell him stand on fiscal responsibility, NOT socialist programs.

Gazelka's Senate Office Phone: 651-296-4875

Minneapolis Teachers Union Demands More Money; Cancels Classes For 30,000 Students

Parents were alarmed to discover that they would need to keep their kids at home on Tuesday morning, as the Minneapolis Federation of Teachers announced that they would be canceling classes and go on a 10-day strike.


The strike comes as the Minneapolis Teachers Union announced that they need “smaller class sizes, mental health support, competitive pay and overall systemic change.” All of which are presumably to be funded on the taxpayer’s dime.


After nearly two years of disruptions by an intrusive government, a teacher’s strike is the last thing parents need. Zoom classes, forced masking, and questionable curriculum standards have already contributed to a net decrease in public school enrollment in Minnesota.


Kare 11 reports that public school enrollment dropped 2.3% from 2020-2021, meaning that a whopping 21,000 students are being educated elsewhere.


Unions like the Minneapolis Federation of Teachers are only strengthening the case that there needs to be a serious alternative to public schools. This is precisely why legislators need to take action and pass Education Savings Accounts in Minnesota.


Education Savings Accounts (ESAs) allow parents to withdraw their child from public schools, and put their tax dollars towards tuition payments at a private or charter school. The Republican Senate Majority had this as part of their budget proposal in 2021, but dropped it the second it received DFL criticism.


This legislative session is crucial for parents. Will you contact your legislator and demand that they stand up for School Choice and ESAs?